|'Chapter 9'|

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Blue Point of View.

I walk downstairs and it is quiet.  Dad is still getting ready for work and Isabella is the only one who hasn't come down yet.

If I am going to look after Isabella then we have to set some ground rules.  I want to know where we stand so that this becomes easier.

She loves Edward more then her own family.  Wow, I never heard that before. 

Dad walks into the kitchen and I give him his coffee. 

"Good morning."

"Morning.  Thank you.  Your up a little late, aren't you?"  Dad ask me and I shake my hand in a so so motion.

"I just spent an extra thirty minutes in bed.  I'm going to drive Bella to school today."

I sigh loudly since I don't really want to be around her.  The only thing that should come out of her mouth is thank you.

Dad looks at me and smiles sadly.  What happened yesterday bothers him.  Dad isn't perfect but at least he tries his best.  He just wants what best for his daughters.  I can accept that but I don't think Bella will, not if it doesn't include Edward.

"That is nice.  Good job and make sure you drive carefully.  If anything happens, call me."  Dad tells me and I nod my head.

The house phone rings and I pick it up.


"Hi baby!  Good morning." My mother says

"Hi mom!  Good morning.  Did you want to talk to dad?"

"Of course sweetheart."  She says and I hand the phone over to dad.  He nods a thank you and speaks with mom. 

I let them talk.  Bella walks down the stairs and I go over to her.

"I'm driving you to school today."

Bella looks shocked but nods her head anyways.

"Thanks.  You know I love you, right?"  Isabella ask me and I sigh again.

"Do you?  I came here to get my sister back.  Do you really love me and mean it?"

"I know you've never been in love before.  This feeling once you feel it, I know you'll understand."  Isabella states

"Maybe one day but right now, my focus is on you.  You know you can't keep going on like this.  The way your acting and what you are saying.  None of that is okay."

She walks closer to me and wraps me in her arms for a hug.  I hug her back not wanting to lose her.

"Your my only sister Isabella.  I don't want to lose you."

"I never want to lose you.  I still have everything you sent me.  I lied before.  I thought that maybe I could prepare myself to lose you like how I lost Edward.  I thought somehow you were going to fade.  Don't go away."  She tells me then  Isabella hugs me tighter and she crushes my ribs, I let her.

"Sisters forever.  I won't abandon you, not ever."

"Sisters forever."  Isabella repeats back to me and this talk was better then I had hoped.

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