|'Chapter 10'|

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Blue Point of View.

Isabella and I talk while I drive us both to school.  She gives me more explanation and detail about her previous relationship with Edward.

"He still isn't good for you.  You need to focus on yourself and heal first.  No boys unless you want Charlie to start hunting season."

Isabella shakes her head and looks down.

"I cant believe that I hurt him again."  Isabella says and I don't say anything.

Isabella hasn't spoken to anyone about how she truly feels.  She can speak to me as her little guide.  I will guide her to healing herself and speaking about her feelings.

"So, you hung out with Jacob before he dumped you for his new friends then became best friends again.  He has feelings for you Isabella."

Isabella looks at me with so many emotions.

"No.  Jake, no.  We're just friends."  She tells me but from how she is describing him and how he is around her.

He sounds like he has had a crush on her for a while.  Poor boy.  She has no feelings for him at all but she seems to feel better when speaking about him.

"Are you sure you don't like him?"

"We're not allowed to date until after we graduate, remember?"  Isabella reminds me and I can feel the rejection.  Poor Jacob.

If it was Edward, Isabella would be arguing to be with him but with Jacob she is quick to say no more dating for now.

That reminds me of what Edward mentioned before.  His apology is more serious then just a heartbreak.  That boy looks as if....nevermind.

I will need the truth first instead of just assuming the worst.

"Did you do anything else while Edward was gone?"

Isabella frowns at me and shakes her head.  She is no longer looking at me and I park my Jeep at a parking space in the school parking lot.

"Don't get out yet."

Isabella nods her head but doesn't look at me.

"You suck at lying and you just lied to me.  I thought we were being honest here.  That is the only way that this will work.  That is the only way that we can help you heal."  I point my fingers between herself and me.

"I dont need to heal.  I'm fine."  Isabella states and I make sure the doors are locked.

"You are not fine and it is okay.  Tell me what did you do."

She looks me in the eyes and I can feel that the next words will change the way this conversation is going.

Please, open up to me.

"I tried to ride a motorcycle."  She tells me with a scoff.

"That is so not you."  I shake my head and laugh a little.

Isabella laughs with me a bit.

"Yeah, it isn't.  I promised Jake no more bikes."  She tells me and I nod my head.

"Good.  Did you wear a helmet?"

She shakes her head and slap my hand to my forehead.

"I also cliff dived so that I could see Edward." 

My head picks up so fast that I almost hurt myself.

"You did what?!  Isabella, riding a motorcycle is rebellious in a way.  Cliff diving is a different type of rebelling.  Your never doing any of those things again.  Understood?"

"Yes, Blue.  Thank you for this talk.  Can you not tell Charlie?"  Bella ask me.

"Sister conversations are confidential but if he ask me if you done anything reckless. The answer is yes and it is only to keep you safe, healthy, and alive.  Got it?" 

"Yeah sis.  I just hope he doesn't ask anything like that."  Bella says

"He probably won't unless something comes up and you know I won't just tell him straight up."

"Anything else?"  She ask me looking at me with a small grin.

"Stay away from Edward.  Dad already called the school to check any classes that you have with him.  Your teachers have been notified about you not being near him.  That is just a heads up."

"Thanks.  That will definitely catch me up on any weird behavior from my teachers.  Did you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"  Isabella ask me.

"Do you want me to?"

She nods her head.

"Okay, I will."

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