|'Chapter 8'|

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Blue Point of View.

I am helping Billy get into his truck since dad and Isabella are in the middle of an argument.  Isabella is not going to win that argument.  Her opinion is about Edward.  She keeps repeating the same thing over again.  She acts as if Charlie is punishing Edward when she is the one who is getting the punishment.  Dad was close to driving over to the Cullen's house and let them know that Edward is not allowed around Isabella anymore.  She almost immediately started panicking again.  It is weird.  Her actions for Edward are questionable.  That is not the girl I once knew.

"It is probably for the best."  Billy says and frown in confusion.

"What is?"

"Keeping Edward away from Bella.  He isn't good for her."  Billy states and I want to know more about that.  How does he know?

"How do you know that?"

"The way she is acting now is not how she was when she first moved here.  Bella needs space from that boy.  Look after her, she needs it.  I know it is asking alot especially with how everything is right now."  Billy tells me and I shake my head.

"Your not asking alot, I will look after her."

Billy smiles at me kindly.

"Thank you.  You should come down to the reservation sometime.  Jacob would be happy to meet you properly."  Billy tells me and I thank you.

"You are really nice Billy."

"Of course I am.  I have a good influence on your dad."  Billy states and we both laugh.

Billy gets in his truck and drives away.  I wave goodbye and he waves goodbye as well.

I can kind of hear Isabella and dad still arguing.  With a big breathe in and big breathe out, I go back inside the house.

They are in the livingroom and Isabella has tears down her face.  She looks so crushed.  This is about her not being able to be with Edward.
Her hands on moving through her hair.

My phone rings again and it is that same random number that I don't recognize.  I decline the number once again.

I don't like random numbers.  They get annoying.

"Bella, Edward will not be the only boy in your life.  He is not the one for you.  Your not soulmates that can't live without eachother."  Dad tells Bella sternly pointing is finger to the door as if Edward is standing there listening himself.

"He is dad!  I love Edward and he is the only one I will ever love!  You don't understand!"  Bella screams at him.

"What don't I understand?  That you love this boy so much that your love for him caused you to go to Italy by yourself, only leaving me a note and abandoning your sister who is here for you.  If that is what your love for him will lead to then I will definitely make sure you won't have anymore opportunities to be with him.  I know that you were with him instead of being here."  Dad shouts at Bella.

"My love for Edward is all that matters!"  Bella shouts and that stung. 

I flinch internally while dad flinches externally.

"Dad, I love you and Blue.  I promise that I do.  I have a future that I need to think about."  Bella states and I laugh.

They both look at me finally noticing me here.

"One.  That is a pathetic promise.  Two.  What makes you think that you have a future with him?"

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