Chapter 12: Court Date

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Today was a very long and anticipated day because today was the court date to see their children for the very first time as Jessica sat at her vanity, doing her hair and makeup as Evan seen that she was nervous.

"Relax mama."

"You don't know how nervous I am right now."

"Yes I do."

"I feel like we'll go and hear something positive and come back with something negative."

"You can't think like that baby."

"Well, I can't help it."

"I promise you that our kids will be here with us as soon as we know it."



Evan always reassured her if she was thinking something other than positive vibes.

"Hopefully the kids will want us to become their parents."

"I have no doubts in my mind."

"I do, for some reason."

"Everything will work out baby."


A little while later on, Evan and Jessica walked into the courthouse as she felt her stomach drop as she held Evan's arm as he held her close.

"Jess!" Jessica heard her named being called to turn around to see Sarah coming to hug her.

"Did you come here to support me?"

"Why of course. I'm your best friend and we support each other."

"I know, but I'm nervous."

"Don't be."

"That's what I've told her."

Jessica breathes as Evan and Sarah hug her, which felt amazing because she needed it.

"Let's see how this goes." Sarah said opening the door to let Jessica and Evan in as they walked into the elevator.


Their time came as they seen two little kids, sitting with a case worker as Jessica could not help but glance at them as they looked at everyone.

"Ms. Lange?"

"Your honor, Ms. Lange is married."

"Oh yes, to Mr. Peters."

"Yes, your honor."

"Do you find these two individuals, Jessica Lange and Evan Peters, fit for the custody of Grayson and Paisleigh?"

"Yes I do your honor."

"For the next six weeks, you'll be going to inspect the new home of where the children will be living."

"Yes your honor."

"You'll also close the adoption once it's finalized this afternoon, which the parents, who have no confidentiality rights to Grayson and Paisleigh."

"Yes your honor."

"I can say this, I believe the children would find safety and love in the couple sitting in front of me, so by the state of this very Minnesota court, I grant custody and adoption to Mrs. Jessica Phyllis Lange-Peters and Mr. Evan Thomas Peters." The judge granted as he used his gavel.

"Court adjourned."

They were so happy as the kids came running towards them as their social worker and lawyer talked to the judge.

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