Chapter 22: Big Announcement!

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Evan and Jessica were holding onto each other as the ultrasound technician show them their baby on the monitor as Jessica smiled as Evan beamed proudly.

"Your baby is healthy and measuring around twelve weeks." She said.

"Now, we can finally tell people we're having a baby!" Evan said giddy as a man could be.

"The doctor will be with you in a moment, but in the meantime, here are some pictures of your baby." She said as Jessica looked at the pictures of her baby.

A moment later, her doctor walked in as he sat down.

"So, how are you feeling today Jessica?" He asked.

"I feel wonderful and finally happy I can eat some things without vomiting every time." Jessica said.

"That's good. How is the medication that I prescribed to you working for the nausea?" He asked.

"It works." Jessica said.

"How do you feel Evan?" He asked.

"I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time." Evan said.

"It's normal to feel nervous about your wife expecting your first child." The doctor said.

"Well, all together we have five children and now, six." Jessica said.

"Another thing before you go, I'll have to see you twice a month because of your age and I had no idea it was possible for a woman to get pregnant at your age." He said as Jessica nodded and placed her hand on her stomach.

"I know and it was a huge shock to us both." Jessica said.

"Like I said, I'll be monitoring your pregnancy from now up until you give birth." Her doctor said.

"I'm so nervous but so excited at the same time. I've waited a long time but all these women are getting pregnant at older ages, so what the hell makes me any different than them?" Jessica questioned.

"It's not safe in my opinion but I don't want you to think I'm judging you." Her doctor said.

"That's good. I'm taking extra precautions and taking care of myself and my husband is by me almost 24/7, so if I worry or something happens, then he'll be there." Jessica said.

"I've already been reading on how to be the perfect father, it sounds stupid I know but this is our baby and I always wondered what it would be like to be able to hold my own child I created with my wife and now, I get to and I wish people would be happy but instead, we have people like you judging us because I'm younger than she is and she's older than me." Evan said as Jessica looked at him.

"It's okay honey, I don't care what people think. I have plenty of people including you that are loving and supportive." Jessica said.

"Except that, we still have to tell our family and friends." Evan said.

"I know, that's why I thought we could tell them this weekend." Jessica said.

"Babe, Thursday is Thanksgiving and what if we ruin everything?" Evan questioned.

"Honey, we are not going to ruin anything and everyone knows I always wanted another baby and now, we are." Jessica said.

"I just worry that your kids, I meant our kids, will harbor some kind of resentment towards us or worse, me." Evan said.

"No one is going to harbor any harsh feelings towards you because we'll tell them that it's a common thing that women my age or older, get pregnant and have beautiful, healthy babies." Jessica said.

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