The Confession, Part 1

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Song: Don't Let This Go To Waste by Loving Caliber

I feel like I am in a dream. I am lying on the floor in my bedroom, waiting for Nathan to pick up the phone. I wouldn't be in this situation if I had just texted the right person, but no, me and my clumsy hands just couldn't do anything right. What am I supposed to say to him? Hey, the person I was talking about, you know, the person I have a crush on, yeah that's you. Ok, bye!

"MICAH, YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM!" Nathan's voice blasts through the speaker on my phone.
"Maker's breath! Chill. And, there is no way I am telling him."
"But why not? What is the worst that could happen?"
"Oh let me see, he doesn't like me back and so things become really awkward and it ruins our friendship forever."
"That's ridiculous. There is no way he won't like you back. You are literally the most amazing and wonderful person I have ever met."
"Aw, you think I am amazing! Thanks, Nathan." I can feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks. I want to tell him so badly but I have to find the right time.
"Micah. Just tell him! If he doesn't like you then I will find him and I will murder him." I have the perfect reply to that, you would have to murder yourself then. But I'm not brave enough to say it.
"How about I flip a coin? Heads, I text him, tails I don't." I get off the floor and walk to my Google home, "Hey Google, flip a coin." The speaker makes the noise of a coin flipping, then says, tails. My heart sinks.
"Best of three." I say. I go to ask the speaker again but Nathan cuts me off.
"You want to tell him! Otherwise you wouldn't flip the coin again!" I sink onto my bed. This is going to be really awkward.
"Ok, fine. I'll tell him." Nathan cheers. I open my texts with Nathan. I sit for a second, thinking about what I should write. Then, I type it in and press send.
"Ok, done. I can't believe I just did that." Nathan doesn't reply, "Nathan?"
"Um, hey, can I call you back?"
"Oh, sure." I reply. Nathan hangs up. My cheeks are hot, my palms are sweaty. I feel like I am about to cry. Why did he hang up on me? Does he not like me? Did I mess up?

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