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Song: I can think of so many songs for this chapter but I must pick one so...let's just go with one of my favourites, I Told You So by Lvly

My oxygen levels are slowly decreasing. This is not how I thought this would end. With me floating through the endless void of space. Surrounded by nothing but darkness. I can't even listen to music or read to help pass the time. Wait, can I?
I tap at the little screen on my space suit. I can see my oxygen levels displayed in the top right corner, like the battery on old mobile phones.

Except, this is the battery for my body.

The battery that will keep me going.

Long enough for me to get rescued?

I honestly don't know...

"Ha, no way!" Music fills my helmet, blasting into my ears through the little speakers. It is a nice change from the silence of space. A nice distraction from my impending death.
I nod my head to the music, do a little flip. Nathan would hate what I am listening to, but who cares?!
I left him for a reason. And no, that reason was not so I could drift through space until I die.

Breaking up with Nathan absolutely killed me. I never thought it would happen...well, one day maybe. But after 5 months of living in space together he wants to go back to Earth and I don't. He spent 24 years of his life on that planet and after 5 months he wants to go back?!

There is no way I am going back to that messed-up planet anytime soon. Too many things went wrong there.

I am still in shock at what he did next though.




"Here, put this on." Nathan thrusts a space suit into my face, then turns around and walks off the bridge.

"Why?" I call after him.

"Meet me in the docking bay when you are done."

I do as he says and we meet in the docking bay.

"Nathan, just tell me what you want me to do!" I exclaim as he pushes me towards the airlock, "If there is maintenance that needs to be done on the ship I think it can wait-"

Nathan pushes me into the airlock and seals the door. The air starts to cycle, preparing to eject anything inside out into space.

"Nathan! Just tell me what you want!" I am yelling at this point.

"Micah, since you love space so much I thought you might enjoy taking a little time to...explore it. Alone."
"Wait, no, Nathan! I get that you are annoyed but we can talk this out-"

"Micah, you don't understand.!"

I quickly put my helmet on as I am pushed out of the airlock. I try to engage my mag-boots before I get too far away from the ship but it is no use.
Nathan just flushed me out the freaking airlock.




I have 14 hours of oxygen left in my tank. I assume that Nathan will come back in a few hours, although I can no longer see our ship. I can't believe him right now. This is not like him at all. Flushing me out an airlock, who does that?!
My mind is racing, my thoughts drowning out the music playing into my ears.

Why did I break up with him?

Why did we 'move' to space?

Why did we get together in the first place?

Why did I tell him that I liked him?

Why did I become friends with him?

Why does he even exist?

It's infuriating!

My thoughts are spinning out of control. I try to take deep breaths but find myself gasping for air instead. I check the oxygen level. It has barely dropped.
"Nathan," my voice is croaky from lack of use, "P-please. Please, s-save me."
My head feels heavy, I suddenly feel very claustrophobic. I want to take my helmet off, breath in the air outside. But if I do that there will be no air to breath.
"Nathan!" I scream. I can feel tears stinging my eyes. I squeeze them shut.

I will not cry.

I will not cry

I will-

The tears are released. The drops float inside my helmet. I reach my hand up to my face, trying to wipe the tears away.
Suddenly, the music cuts out and is replaced with a beeping sound. Is it my oxygen?!
I frantically tap at the screen, looking for the source of the beeping. My breath is getting faster, my heart feels like it is about to beat out of my chest.
"Nathan! Where in the 'verse are you?!" I scream.
I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. Is this the end?




"Nathan...s-save me..." I hear Micah's voice and jump out of my chair, rushing to his bed.
"Micah, you're ok. I've got you." I stroke his forehead, brushing the hair off his face. Tears start to roll down his cheeks and I carefully dab them away.
Micah groans then suddenly sits up, "What the hell was that, Nathan?!"
I take a step back, shocked at his sudden burst of anger.
"Just because I broke up with you, doesn't mean you need to flush me out the f***ing airlock!"
My mouth is open wide. It is the first time I have ever heard Micah swear, "Micah, just calm down-"
"No! I don't want to calm down! I could have died! I...I...I could have died." I gently rub his back as he lets out sobs.
I sit down next to him and hug him tight, "I'm sorry, Micah. I really am."

Author's Note:

I would just like to note that: One, I don't think Nathan would flush me out an airlock, maybe for fun but not because he was angry with me. Two, if anything, I think Nathan would be the one to break up with me. And three, I am sorry for the swearing, I was cringing while I was writing!

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