The Familiar

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Song: Fenix by Kadant

Prompt: At the age of 13, children are able to summon their familiar for the first time. Your family has always been ridiculed with weak and useless familiars until your 13th birthday, when you summon your familiar for the first time.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Micah! Happy birthday to you!" My family sings, using their magic to stay in-tune.
"Don't forget to make a wish, Micah." My mum says.
I close my eyes, trying to infuse as much magic into my wish as possible. Then, I blow out the candles on my cake. My family claps and cheers. I feel a tug on my jumper. My little sister, Phoenix, looks up at me. I lift her off the ground and into my arms.
"Micah, you need to summon your familiar," she says excitedly, "I want to see what it is! Do you think you will get a butterfly like mum? It is very pretty." Mum's familiar may be pretty but it is one of the weakest familiars. For generations, my family has been cursed with the weakest familiars. My uncle's familiar was so weak, it couldn't even save him from over-charging. From that day on, my family only casts simple spells. Spells that have very little chance of going wrong. But I want to cast stronger spells. I want to help protect our village from normals. Normals who don't understand us.
And that is exactly why I wished for the strongest familiar. I wished for one that will improve our social class. I wished for one that will bring me back from the dead. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

I'm standing outside, surrounded by my family, holding Phoenix's hand. I want to summon my familiar, but I want Nathan to be here even more. One more minute. Just one more minute.
Phoenix is getting impatient, her hand is starting to twitch in mine. But I need Nathan. I need him to hold my hand while I summon my familiar. I need him to console me while I cry about how weak it is. I need him to kiss me when our social class drops even more.
I see him running down the street towards our house. Long black coat blowing in the wind. I start running towards him. We meet in the middle of the street. There is magic pouring out of both of us. I can feel my family's eyes on me. They disapprove of Nathan. But I don't care.

My familiar is coming, I can feel it.

The power takes over me and I fall to the ground.

The sky has turned red and orange.

My familiar is close.

Magic covers the street.

Does that mean my familiar is powerful?

I think I am crying because I can feel Nathan's hand on my cheek.

My familiar is here.

I begin to rise, floating higher and higher. And then I see it. Blazing red and orange. Wide wings. Glowing feathers. A phoenix flies before me. The most powerful familiar.
Now I'm back on the ground, in Nathan's arms, and his lips are on mine and I have never felt more power in my life.

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