Sleeping with a Vampire, Part 3

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Song: Head Under Water by Lvly

Some of the ideas in this chapter are based off of what happened in Clare Siobhan's Vampires series on YouTube but you don't need to watch it to understand. Just to clarify, this chapter is set when Micah and Nathan are in their early 20's.

"Nathan! Please. Please do something, anything, to show me that you are ok." I am so close to using my magic to free him. But there are a few things I haven't tried yet. I grab him by the shoulders and gently shake him. Nothing. I pour freezing cold water over his head. Nothing. I make him pick up his phone that has fallen on the floor. At least I know the reason this is happening. I just need the solution, "Nathan, please. Don't make me do this! I don't want to hurt you!" I pull him into a hug and make him hug me back, "Nathan," I whisper.
"Nathan? Maker, Nathan. You scared me so much-"
"Micah, r-r-release me."
"I don't know how to! My magic isn't strong enough!" Tears are streaming down my face. I really don't know what to do. What do I do?
"Y-you know w-what to d-do." I can feel Nathan slipping again. Hold on, Nathan. I will get you out.

I am trying to get to the surface. Trying to get to Micah. But I can't. He tells me to hug him harder. So I do. I tried to tell him how to free me. I tried. But I can't. I am useless.

I don't want to use a spell on him. If I can just...find some other way. A way that isn't going to get him hurt. I am searching through my thoughts. Looking for any spell that will release him. I can't think of anything. Only the most dangerous spells will work.
"Nathan. I am so sorry. This was a mistake. I should never have let you drink my blood. We both knew this was going to happen, and yet we did it anyway. And I am so sorry."
I look at him, taking in every detail. His brown hair is wet and clinging to his face, his eyes still look soulless. I just want Nathan back. My shy, fun, vampire Nathan. I kiss him, harder than I ever have. Magic is pouring out of me, I can no longer control it. The kiss is infused with so much magic that our bodies are enveloped in a bright glow. I never want to let go of Nathan.

I am so close to the surface. I am pushing so hard to get out of the water that is Micah's control. But every word that comes out of his mouth is like a wave crashing over me and pushing me further down into the water.
His hug was helping me up. But then he started talking and all of my progress was crushed. I try to say something. Tell him to stop talking. But, as if he knows, he stops talking and finally starts doing something. He pulls me into a kiss. His lips are soft, warm. I feel a strange burst of energy and suddenly, I am...glowing. I am literally glowing. I thought vampires were cool but spellcasters are on a whole other level. The longer we kiss, the easier it is to push to the surface. The water is calm now, there are no waves. Not even any ripples. I am so close. So close to freedom




I pull away from Micah, gasping for air. I know I wasn't actually drowning, but it really felt like I was.
"Nathan?" Micah asks. His voice is quivering. I try to brush the hair out of my face but it is...wet?
"Micah." I breathe out. He pulls me closer, squeezes all of the air out of me again.
"We are never doing that again." I laugh. Micah starts laughing too but the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. I don't know exactly what happened, and I don't think I want to...

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