Awkward Crushing Teens

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Song: I couldn't think of a song...oh, I know! Fall Guys music

"MAKER'S BREATH, I AM SO CLOSE!!! ONLY THREE MORE PEOPLE CAN GET THROUGH! RUNNNNN!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Our neighbours are probably hating me right now, "I actually made it! Nathan, I made it!"
Nathan slams the table, shaking my PC, "FU-"
"Language!" I yell before I can hear the end of that word. It's the school holidays. We have spent most of the time at each other's houses, talking, reading and playing lots of Fall Guys. Not to brag or anything but I have won 87 crowns. Nathan has only won 12. Can you see who's better?
"AH! That's not fair! I was so close! You play all the time so of course you are better. I never play."
"That's such a lie. Now shut up while I concentrate." I can't stop smiling. Everything about this is just so...perfect. And unbelievable. I am sitting at my desk, playing a video game with Nathan, my...whatever it is we are. I couldn't ask for anything more.
"Micah, you have barely eaten anything. Can I get you something?" Nathan knows what the answer will be, I think he is just hoping that one day it will change.
"I'm fine. Damn! I just got eliminated!" I stand up, stretching my arms and legs, "Should we take a break?"

I love this. Spending the day with Micah, doing absolutely nothing. He suggested we take a break from Fall Guys and go for a walk. I am very against any kind of physical activity but it is a beautiful day so, reluctantly, I agreed.
Micah and I live pretty far away from each other so I don't really know his neighbourhood well. But Micah seems to know every person we pass while walking, "How do you know everyone?"
"Well, it's quite a small community. I know most people as parents of kids from my primary school..." Micah keeps on chatting as we walk. I hope he knows where we are going because I am paying no attention to our surroundings.

We walk for another 5 minutes before Micah suddenly turns left into a clearing between the houses. There is a small park with a few benches and some playground equipment. It is completely empty, I am assuming not many people know that it is here.
"Race you to the swings!" Micah yells, breaking into a sprint. I am not in the mood for running but I will do it just to beat Micah. I run as hard as I can across the damp grass.
"How did you beat me with your bad knee?" I ask, panting and bent over.
Micah shrugs, "Push me?"
I laugh, standing up straight again, "Of course."

Maker, I don't know what to do. I am having a battle with myself. My logic against my emotions. And right now my emotions are winning, which is not ideal.
"Can't you just find some middle ground?" I whisper.
"Did you say something?" Nathan asks. I shake my head.

Just tell him, my emotions say.
But what if it's awkward, my logic says.

Of course it will be awkward! But it will make you, us, feel so much better.
"Nathan," Dang it! My emotions won, no going back now, "I was just wondering, um, what are we?" The swing is starting to pick up speed, the wind is blowing my hair into my eyes and my feet are no longer touching the ground. I love this feeling. I imagine it's what flying feels like.
"We are humans. I am genuinely worried if you didn't know that!" I laugh at Nathan's reply.
"I knew that. What I mean is like," I swallow, my heart is beating faster, "Are Or, I don't know. This is stupid, just ignore me."
Nathan slows the swing and walks in front of me, "That's not stupid. It involves me so how can it be?" I giggle nervously. Why am I so nervous?
"I mean," Nathan starts. As usual, he is blushing. So adorable! "I don't know what we are. I guess just...awkward crushing teens?"
"That is very accurate." I say. I don't know why I expected this to be a serious conversation. Nothing with Nathan is ever serious.
"You don't seem happy," Nathan meets my gaze, brushes the hair out of my face, "Do you not want to be awkward crushing teens?"
"No! No. I'm fine." I'm not fine. But I can be for Nathan. I have put enough of my problems onto his shoulders, he doesn't need one more.

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