Sleeping with a Vampire, Part 2

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Song: Sleeping with a Vampire by Middle And End
Some of the ideas in this chapter are based off of what happened in Clare Siobhan's Vampires series on YouTube but you don't need to watch it to understand. Just to clarify, this chapter is set when Micah and Nathan are in their early 20's.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Nathan?"
"I need to, I haven't had any blood in days." My thirst is growing stronger with every passing second. I wish Micah would stop worrying and get on with it.
"Ok. I promise I won't control you. Only if absolutely necessary." We are sitting on the couch in my apartment. Micah's roommate, Sam, doesn't want me to go over to their place. So, we hang out here most of the time.
Micah stretches his arm out, signalling he is ready. But as I go to bite him, he jerks his arm away.
"Sorry! Will it hurt?"
"Not if you don't move!" I snap, "Sorry. I'm just really thirsty. Don't worry Micah. You will be fine."
Micah reluctantly puts his arm out again. I place my hand around his arm, gently squeezing it. I feel the spot before I sink my teeth into his skin. He lets out a little yelp but doesn't move at all. His blood is warm as it touches my tongue. It feels so good to actually have blood slipping down my throat. I can't remember the last time I felt more alive. Except...The more I drink, the more tired I become. I feel as if I am being pushed under water and I can't do anything to get back to the surface. I am drowning.

The more blood Nathan drinks, the more power I feel. I am physically tired but mentally, I have never been stronger. He needs to stop, I think to myself. I gently push Nathan, pulling my arm away from him.
"Are you ok?" I ask but get no reply. Nathan slowly turns his head to face me. Something about his eyes...he doesn't look like himself, "N-Nathan? Are you..." I trail off. I know what has caused this. I know that I have control over him. But do I want to control him? No. No, I don't.
"Nathan! Snap out of it!" I yell. Nothing happens. Nathan doesn't move at all, doesn't even flinch when I yell. I don't want to have to use my magic on him. It could make things even worse, "Nathan. I know you can hear me. You need to take control! You need to try to get out of it!" I am starting to get stressed now. I really don't want to use my magic on him. If I don't cast the spell right he could end up getting permanent brain damage. Is it a risk I should take? I don't know.

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