Sleeping with a Vampire, Part 1

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Song: Sleeping with a Vampire by Middle And End

Some of the ideas in this chapter are based off of what happened in Clare Siobhan's Vampires series on YouTube but you don't need to watch it to understand. Just to clarify, this chapter is set when Micah and Nathan are in their early 20's.

I swear I didn't know he was a vampire when we first met. I mean, sure, it was a bit strange that he was at the library at 11 pm, reading what looked to be a magical tome. But in his defence, I was there too.
We just sort of started chatting and then I think we ended up going to a bar. The rest is blurry. Maybe because he drank my blood, or maybe I just got wasted. Either way.
But it doesn't matter if he is a vampire or not. He can drink my blood as much as he likes. Because there is something that he doesn't know about me. Something I will only reveal if absolutely necessary.

"You need to check if he is a vampire. Because if he is, I'm not letting him into the apartment anymore." My best friend, Sam, is cooking breakfast in our tiny kitchen.
"Why not? If you are worried about him drinking your blood, I can make sure he doesn't."
"How?!" Sam isn't really open to the idea of me having a vampire boyfriend. I think it's cool.
"Fine. I will ask him out to lunch and if he says yes, we know he isn't a vampire. If he says no, we know he is. Simple." I pull my phone out of my pocket, showing Sam the text before I send it. Now we just wait for the reply.

He doesn't reply until 5 pm, and it is nothing like what I expected.

Hey Micah. I would love to go to lunch with you but I would rather not burn alive, because, vampire. Maybe we can go out for dinner instead?

"Wow. He was about it." I say.
"He is definitely not coming to the apartment."

"Micah! Over here!" I wave to Micah. He waves back and starts walking over. He is wearing a navy blue hoodie and ripped black jeans. He has little dangling earrings in.
"Hey Nathan." We awkwardly hug.
"I thought that since it was such a beautiful night, we could just enjoy the view of the stars a bit. Is that ok?" I ask, shyly.
"That sounds lovely." We start walking down the winding path that leads through the park.
"So, you're a vampire. That's really cool!"
"Really? Most people are scared of me." I glance at Micah's face. His eyes are glistening in the moonlight, his dimples are showing. They are so adorable.
"I like it. It's something different." He says.
We walk and chat for a while, then we find a bench to sit on. He is sitting closer to me than I expected. Normally, people are scared I'm going to drink their blood. But I never drink someone's blood without their consent. Never.
"Micah, why aren't you scared of me? Or if not scared, at least weary?"
He takes a deep breath and rubs his temples before replying, "I wasn't going to tell you this. I thought it might be better if you don't know." He pauses, closing his eyes. I can't even begin to guess what he is about to say.
"This might be hard to believe but, I'm not human either." I go to say something but he cuts me off, "Before you say anything, I just want you to know, I understand if you don't want to be with me after this. It's something that-"
"Micah, just tell me!" I exclaim.
He takes another deep breath before saying, "I'm a spellcaster."
I stare at him, completely confused.
"You don't know?" I shake my head, "If a vampire drinks a spellcaster's blood, the spellcaster gains control over the vampire."
"Oh," I say, because it's all that I can, "Micah."
Micah looks up from where he is fiddling with the edge of his jumper.
"That doesn't change anything for me." I slide closer to him. Then his lips are on mine and my hand is tangled in his hair and we are walking back to my apartment.

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