Chapter Eleven

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Plot twist: Everyone who ships Scourne is Night. Also homophobia and homophobic slurrs warning

Scourge sniffled, "I'm sorry I'm being so emotional and stupid. I shouldn't be like this right now, I'm weak." He said softly wiping his tears with his paw. He and Bone lay down. Scourge closed his eyes for a moment before hearing Bone speak. He opened his eyes again.

Bone shook his head, "It's fine, Scourge. You're only crying because you're worried and you don't know how to put it into words." He licked Scourge's cheek. Night walked into the alleyway, "I SHIP IT SO MUCH!" He yelled, his eyes becoming as wide as moons. Scourge jumped and looked at Night, as well as Bone.

Scourge was startled, "Wh-What does ship mean?" He asked, his face red. Bone looked away from Night.

Night expression was joyful, not disgusted. He looked like a fangirl, "Ship means I want you two to love eachother and I want you two to be mates!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down. Bone and Scourge stopped hugging and Scourge sat beside him. 

Bone and Scourge exchanged glances, "We are mates." Scourge mumbled, glancing at his paws. Night gasped, "OH. MY. GOD!" He squealed, "Really?!" He asked, his tail twitching with happiness.

Snickering could be heard. Bone and Scourge looked at the group of three she-cats whispering while giggling. Bone growled, "Fuck off and get to your duties if any of you, including you, Night, tell anyone about us being mates you will be automatically charged with potential death or just severe injuries. Do I make myself clear?" He asked.

Night nodded and padded off but the she-cats, Falcon, Flash, and Storm, snorted, "No. You might have to repeat it, Mr. Homo." Falcon let out a sneering laugh, her raspy laughter echoing off the walls. Scourge rose to his paws, "My mate (husbando, according to Night (Lemonnoob2) XD) has the same amount of power as I do. Listen to my deputy or face the consequences." He spat and gritted his teeth.

Flash pulled her lip back into a snarl, "No, you fucking baby. We heard your kittypet name, Tiny, we heard it all over the streets. From Rogues, loners, and clan cats." She purred in a sickly sweet voice. Storm glared at them, disgusted, "Unless you want your fate to become worse, I think you should probably keep your mouths shut about this..." She said and walked over, licking Bone's cheek. Both Scourge and Bone knew she was doing this for Scourge's reaction.

 Both Scourge and Bone knew she was doing this for Scourge's reaction

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Bone looked very uncomfortable with Storm starting to lap at his neck, he pulled his paws closer to himself and quickly jerked away.

Scourge growled, bristling, "Yet your tongue off of my mate! He is CLEARLY uncomfortable. And for the love of God that's gross." He snarled, scooting closer to Bone.

Flash purred, "Like you two haven't mated before. We can leak that too~" She stood beside a frusterated Storm.

Scourge looked at Bone, whom looked away with shamefulness. Scourge stood up and slammed his white paw on the ground, "Shut your fucking mouths! You can't run into this alleyway and act like you can rub yourself all over my deputy like he'll like you or want to fuck you. Like bitch no, you can't try to steal something that isn't yours," He took in a big breath before continuing, approaching the she-cats who quickly backed away. "You can ask Clay. Oh yeah, he is dead! Unless you want to end up like him, I suggest you fuck of my mate! Try and press me and Bone again; oh you'll be dead for fucking sure!" He hissed, lashing his tail. He said fucking with a small laugh.

Storm laughed, "Oh yeah try me!" She mocked. Scourge bared his teeth. Falcon got to her paws, shaking out her pelt and striding over, "Scourge, honey, that is not how you treat us. I suppose we should try that on you. How about we kill your faggot of a mate with you watching, hm? Wouldn't you totally want me then?" She asked, cocking her head and blinking her eyes innocently.

Scourge groaned, "No, no, no, NO! I'm not fucking you and neither is Bone, you horny ass she-cats." He snarled. And kicked Storm as she started to lick Bone's neck, "PAWS OFF!" He shouted as Storm fell over. Bone was silent, still uneasy. His deputy's paws twitched. That sign was crystal clear, he really didn't like she-cats at all. Not even in general. No wonder he tried to stay as far away from mollies as possible.

Clover walked into the alleyway, "WHAT THE FUCK!?" He exclaimed. Everyone turned their heads to the young tomcat.

"Want to join us, darling?" Flash clearly had eyes for Clover. She was one of the youngest cats in the clan, only being a year older than the dusky brown tomcat. Bone was silent for a moment, "GO AND GET SOME CLAN MEMBERS AND BRING THEM BACK HERE SO THESE SHE-CATS CAT FUCKING DIE!" The words exploded from his mouth.

Scourge was silent, "Keep. Your. Paws. Off. Of. My. Adopted. Son. Too." He said in a quiet voice, his eye twitching with rage.

Clover quickly rushed off but by the time they got back from the patrol all of the she-cat's were dead, throats sliced and stomachs pouring out blood. Scourge had all of the blame on his paws.

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