The fake boyfriend plan pt 1

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The fake boyfriend plan pt 1 [Demmy fanfic]

Daveed was lounging around in only a white tank top and his boxers on the couch of his and his roommates Emmy shared apartment complex.

It was currently 11:55 in the afternoon and Daveed was just flicking through different Tv channels trying to find something to watch while his friend was out trying to pay that water bill that was long overdue.

The water bill was about $20.48 in amount because a certain grown ass baby likes to spend his whole entire life shampooing and washing that poofy sheep nest he likes to call hair. If daveed only listen to Emmy once in a while then their water bill wouldn't be as high as it is. 

Daveed signed as he laid on her stomach and looked at the wall right across from the door, He can still recall the conversation he had with Emmy before she left.

//Flash-Back starting now//

"Why in the world would you need to take a 20 minute shower Daveed?" Emmy said, crossing her arms and tapping her brown boot heel on the white carpet flooring as she groaned waiting to hear Daveed explanation.

"Well, It doesn't take a 1 minute show to look this good, Now does it??? He asked smartly  while raising an eyebrow while grinning at her. "I swear to god sometimes you are a piece of work, You don't need to take a goddamn 20 minute shower just to wash your fluffy ass hair you idiot".Emmy hissed out at him as she threw her hands up.

"Okay, babycakes. If I don't have to take a 20 minute show which clearly shows that you have been keeping track on how much water I use in this plac-" Daveed started off only to be slick and cut off by emmy. 

"I do not! That's weird" She stated. Daveed looked at her with a smudged look "Oh so you don't keep track Eh??" Daveed muttered before walking over to the kitchen and grabbing a piece of paper off the refrigerator and marched right back over to her.

He held up the paper to her face that read


If Emmy could see her own Face it would be redder like a Christmas decoration on the eve of Christmas.

"How do you explain this huh, Miss Lampman??" He smiled as he folded his arms. Emmy felt her cheeks turn a lighter shade of pink. "Oh Shut the hell up Daveed" She said in a joking manner and slapped him on the shoulder. 

Daveed chuckled at her as he smiled and patted her on the back before putting the paper down and walking over to the couch.

//END of Flash-Back//

The front door opened and slammed the door causing Daveed to look up and see Emmy whose face was turned into a panicky look. Daveed sat up and cut the tv down as he looked at her. 

"Is everything okay Em??" Daveed said, biting his lip. Emmy shook her head as she dropped her things and pulled out her phone rereading the message. "No, no, no, no,no,no,no,no,no,no... Why" She said repeatedly as she shook her head while walking over and sitting down next to Daveed and biting her lip. 

"What's wrong?" Daveed asked her while he tapped  on his thigh feeling a cross of anxiety build up in his chest at whatever she was going to say.

The room went quiet for a long time, The air was so thick it was like you can cut it with a knife. Emmy let out a soft sigh and looked down as she broke the ever-lasting silence.

"So you know, How my parents  and how I was telling you, that my mom was urging me to get a boyfriend because she wants me to be happy and that she wants some grandkids sooner or later" She explained to him.

"And what did you say to her?? He said leaning in a little. Emmy looked at Daveed and blushed as she let out a soft sigh and spoke again "And i said that i had a boyfriend and that boyfriend was you...."

It took awhile for Daveed to process what was just to him, He looked at Emmy as he blinked and looked at the floor before looking back up at her. 

"You told your mother that i'm your WHAT!?" Daveed screamed out as he threw his hands up in the air shock written all over his face.

"I told my mother that you're my boyfriend?, What are you not understanding??" Emmy said giving him an uneasy smile.

Daveed groaned and looked at Emmy giving her a hard glare saying that "You are going to be dead early in the morning". 

Emmy let out a small giggle as she rubbed the back of her head. "Soooo.... What do you say?? She said Fidgeting with her well polished silver ring that was on her right hand.

"So you want me to help you lie to your mother?? Is that it?" He said confirmed while looking at the nevose woman.

 "Yes, I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend, So i can get my mother off my back. Please just this once and i promise Daveed, I promise that i won't ask anything else of you ever again" Emmy plead hands in a praying like way.

Daveed had his arms crossed as he looked at her and tilted his head before wetting his lips and sighed.

"Ummm, I don't know..." he said with uncertainty.

He looked at Emmy to see her wimpered with making puppy dog eyes at him lip pouted out. "P-pleaseeeee" She begs giving him the puppy dog eyes.

Daveed groaned and looked away rolling his eyes before letting out a sigh of defeat.

"Fineee, I'll do it" He says giving up and looking down biting his lip.

Emmy squealed as she clapped her hands togther and throwing herself at him knocking him down on the couch with a loud gasp.

"Ahhhhh!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youuuuuuuuu, you're the best roommate i can never have Daveed" She said excitedly before kissing his cheek before jumping off off the couch running upstairs the sound of her shoes hitting the dark brown stairs.

Emmy Left Daveed sitting their thinking what the heck did he just get himself into before getting up and walking up the stairs to his room.

(Well that was part 1 of the fake boyfreidn plan, I'm thinking about making a part 2 to this. Maybe i will or Maybe i won't, Just gotta wait and see)

Tell me what you thought about pt 1.

Catch on the flip side,


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