It's your turn to get her (Janthony)

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It was the middle of the night when Jasmine and Anthony were asleep in bed together, Jasmine's head was resting on her husband's chest as their hands were intertwined together as small smiles were on their faces as they both slept. Everything was peaceful and quiet that night, Their little baby Raelynn Cephas Ramos was peacefully sleeping in her crib when all of a sudden the infant worked up and started to let out an ear-piercing scream.

Jasmine signed in irritation as she reached over and turned on the lamp next to their bed. The light-limited

the room casting the shadow of Jasmine's body and messy hair as she rubbed her eyes as she turned her head towards her sleeping husband who had his pillow over his head and was buried under the covers trying to block out the lights of the lamp.

She covered her mouth when she let out a loud yawn covering her mouth and rubbing her eyes before opening her mouth "Babe" She says muttering to the sleeping man. Soft snores from Anthony's side was heard causing Jasmine to groan as she tried to shake Anthony awake.

"Anthony, Honey can you please go and check up on the baby please" Jas said, her voice froggy from sleep. He let out a tired whine as he removed the pillow from his head and moved the covers away from his body giving Jasmine an annoyed look.

"I did it yesterday night," He said, his voice gravelly calm. "And I did it the night after that," Jasmine concluded.

"She likes you better" Anthony argued

"She's little girl" Jasmine delacred back

"Yeah, Well you gave birth to her" Anthony said folding his arms glaring at his wife.

The two counted to bicker over who was going to go and take care of Raelynn without actually taking care of Her and just letting her cry and cry while she laid in her crib.

"You helped me make her!" Jasmine shouted, throwing her hands up in the air as she hissed at him. Anthony sighed as he got out of bed and looked at her "You pushed her out!" He yelled back.

"Umm, Hello if i didn't then i would have died" Jasmine shriek grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him. Anthony doged the pillow and looked at her shock written over his face. "How childish are you??" He hissed. Jasmine's mouth dropped as her glared daggers at him getting up and throwing another pillow at him.

"Says the one who won't go and check up on our Baby!!" Jasmine cried out only for Raelynn screams and cries began louder in volume. Anthony and Jasmine looked at each other and looked out through the dark hall-way that led from their room to their daughters.

Jasmine and Anthony both looked down as the sounds of their daughter rang through the house. Jasmine looked at Anthony and sighed shaking her head.

"Can you please go check up on her please Honey" Jasmine said voice pleading due to being tired and being upset.

Anthony looked at Jasmine and sighed admitting defeat as he sighs "Okay, Okay I'll go and see what's wrong. Go back to sleep" He says as he walks out of the room.

"Thank you" Jasmine calls out as she gets back into bed, The mattress creaking under her weight.

"The joys of being parents. Now I see why Jasmine mom when she said "Be prepared to not get much sleep at night..." Anthony muttered under his breath as he went to go check up on his daughter.

A'N: Perhaps it takes courage to raise children." —John Steinbeck, .

I have no idea, Why i added that quote in here but hey, It just felt right.


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