The night before he becomes wed [Janthony]

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Anthony was sitting by himself at a bar, Hands folded resting on the bar counter just thinking and trying to recollect his thoughts. It was the night before his and Jasmine's wedding and he was scared shitless. He had never been scared before in his life.... Well, parts of his life.

But that was beyond the point, The point was that he was going to be married to the love of his life tomorrow. He and Jasmine were so busy planning that he barely had any time to plan his bachelor party. He was scared that he was going to fuck shit up and embarrass himself while standing there at the altar, or even worst get cold feet and not even show up.

"Second thoughts... Why the hell am i having second thoughts about this" Anthoney muttered to himself as he put his head down on the table letting out a loud groan?

What am I going to do?? He groaned, putting a hand on his forehead. The place was sorta empty in a while only with a few people but in Anthony's mind, it was just him.

Just Him....... Just him in the darkness with no one. Ant felt like he was going to throw up, He didn't want to leave his jazzy at the altar, He didn't want to see her pain nor the look of shame in his mother's eyes.

Just the thought of him made him break down into tears, He put his head down and sobbed into his arms.

"I may not live to see our glory" Someone said in a sing-a-along voice that was right next to him. Anthony sniffed a little before peaking his eyes over and towards the person who sat next to him.

The guy was wearing a white button down shirt with light brown pants and short black hair. The guy looks like he hasn't slept in weeks to months. He had a golden wedding band on his finger. Anthony looked up to see Lin smiling down at him, He sniffed.

"I may not live to see our glory" A couple of more voices sing walking up to Anthony as they lean over at a smaller man smiling at him. It was Oak and Daveed.

"But I've seen wonders great and small" Lin sang out, smirking as the rest of the guys chuckled like kids. Anthony chuckled as he shook his head wiping his tears

"You guys are stupid" he says laughing

I've seen wonders great and small" Oak Said hitting Ant on the back.

"Cause if the Antman can get married" Daveed sang out holding his glass

If Anthoney can get married" Lin and Oak sang out holding up their glass.

"There's Hope For Our ass after all!!" Daveed yelled out as he referred to him and Oak since Lin was already married.

They sing while making Anthony laugh as he shakes his head at the three of his friends. He couldn't help but sing along while joking around with the boys.

They continue to sing The story of tonight changing that lyrics so that they fit as well as adding in some as well. But through all Anthony just could not stop smiling and laughing and either could they.

"Now, What's with all the water works Ant-Man, You're special day is almost coming up and here you are crying like a girl who lost her prize ring that she won" Daveed said sitting down next to him taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah Man, What's with the water works my guy" Oak says in a concerned voice as he pat john on the back.

Anthony sighed as he looked at the orange color drink as he swirled it around before taking a big gulp of it down and winced at the strong taste as it stung his throat a bit.

"God that's shit is fucking strong" Anthony said shaking his head hissing ashe heard rounds of laugher behind him. He turns around to see Lin, Oak and Daveed laughing and smiling at him as the grin at him

"Now what's wrong Ant??" Lin says

"Well.... I feel like i might mess up and ruin everything for Jasmine, I;m scard that i'm going to fuck this up and ruin it for her, Or worst walk out on her completely" Anthony says looking down. "I don't think i can go through with it.....And hell i hate to admit but I'm scared" He says voiced strained as he choked out a sob.

Oak, Daveed and Lin looked at each other before looking down at the crying male. None of them knew what to do in a situation like this. Oak sighed as he put a hand on Anthony's shoulder. "It's going to be okay Ant, I mean it's normal to be scared and nervous. Hell everyone gets scared and has their freak outs. But Just think of this... You are soon to have a beautiful wife that is going to be walking down the aisle, In a her beautiful dress with a bouquet of white or red or blue roses. Won't can you just see it" He says smiling.

"Yeah, I can see it,,, Now" He said grinning ear to ear. Daveed and Lin both chuckled, causing Anthoney to shake his head as he smiled at them both.

"Don't be scared or worried Anthony.. I mean, Hell i was worried when i had to ask someone speaical on a date and i didn't know what the fuck to do" Lin says "You should have seen me I almost fainted on the stop that one time" Lin says hoding his arms.

"Was it Phillipa " Daveed said in a teasing voice at lin, To which made Lin glare at him while smirking.

"Hmmm, I don't know did you ask Emmy out Yet??" He says taunting him.

"I'm working on it Goddamit, Just give me time" Daveed groaned out as he rolled his eyes.

"All Oak is trying to say is to just calm down and breathe while you're up there and watching her, Everyone else does not matter. It's only you and Jazzy. Just you and he that's all" Lin said as he was looking down at his phone checking his messages.

Anthony nodded his head "Okay, I'll try" He says under his breath to where no one can hear him.

"Great! Now Let's make this into an actual bachelor party!!!" Daveed yelled out holding his glass up in the air waving his finger for the Bartender to come over and serve the more drinks.

a/n: I decide to write this instead of doing my math homework. So Here's another Janthony Fanfic where Anthony is scared about the wedding. I saw it off of a Pinterest post i saw about them, So i decidde to make it into a one-shot.



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