Babysitting her little Siblings [Demmy]

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"Now Daveed, Are you sure that you'll be able to handle my little brothers?" Emmy asked, looking at her boyfriend as she passed a bag to him. Daveed smiled at her and chuckled "Oh come to one Emma, You're now doubting me??" He laughed as he walked over and put the bag on the couch next to a 14 year old brother.

Emmy sighed as she struggled to walk into the living room almost tripping over the rug.

She sighed and looked down at the little two-year-old boy with sandy brown hair clutching on to her leg whimpering.

"Aww, Come to one Oliver, Don't be shy," Emmy said softly to her younger brother as she reached down and tried to pry him from her leg causing the smaller boy to let out a high scream of

"No" as he cried hugging her leg tighter not wanting to let go. "I'm sorry Daveed, He's very shy," She says smiling nervously at him.

"Oh, It's alright," Daveed said, bending down at the child's level "It's okay, Little guy," Daveed said softly smiling at him. Oliver looked at him and looked back at Emmy only shaking his head not trusting him.

"Umm, maybe I should just take him with m-" Emmy started off only for her 14-year-old teenage brother whose name was Adrian jumped up out of his seat only to throw down his phone on the couch and glared at her.

"There is no damn way that you are leaving me with some random ass guy!!" Adrian said hands brawled up into a fist.

"Then how about you try to pry a little kid from my leg, Huh," She says in annoyance putting her hands on her hips.

Adrian grumbled and muttered under his breath as he walked over to his sister and held on to his little brother's waist and forcefully pulled him off her leg causing him to scream and cry with tears running down his face.

Emmy smiled and kissed the top of their heads causing Adrian to cringe in disgust as he wiped the kiss-off off his forehead with the words "Eww Gross" followed behind it as he walked back over to the couch and sat down picking his phone back up.

Emmy smiled at them and looked back at Daveed before leaning over and kissing his cheek and leaning to his ear before whispering "Good Luck soldier" She says smiling and picking up her bags before waving bye to them before walking out of the room with her bag rolling along with her.

Daveed smiled at himself before closing the door and clapping his hands together before looking at the two boys. One of them Oliver was curled up on the other end of the couch hugging his brother side whimpering and Adrian was just staring at his phone as he had an arm wrapped around his little brother.

"So unn, What do you guys do??" Daveed asked them "We can play a game or something like that," He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, Play a game with a fuckin dude who is trying to bang my sister??" Adrian said glaring at Daveed over his phone "Yeah no thanks buddy" He hissed

"What does bang mean??" Oliver said looking at his older brother whimpering

"Nothing for you to worry about," He said smiling down at him.

Daveed shook his head and groaned rolling his eyes "Whoever said that I'm trying to fuck your sister" He said out loud to them but in his head, he already knew that the deed was done already. This was going to be harder than it looks.

Oliver and Adrian both looked at Daveed with the faces of "I want Big sister Emmy and If you do anything close as in touching my sister I'm going to kill you."

Daveed sighed as he shook his head "This is going to be a long day" He mutters to himself quite enough that the boys don't hear him.

a/n: Sorry this was so short. I wasn't really feeling well while writing it. But I hope you like it so far even tho it's so short.

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