Fake Boyfriend pt2 [Demmy]

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Fake Boyfriend Part 2 [Demmy]

It was 7:85 in the evening and Emmy was in her room getting dressed in a white and black pants with a black sequin top as she fixed her top and ran her fingers through her hair as she let out a sigh.

She walked over towards her vanity mirror and grab a nude lipstick as she put some on her lips running it over her mouth as she smiled and made a kissy face before grinning and smiling to herself before leaving her room.

Emmy was walking out of the room taking a few steps out before running into Daveed who was just getting out of the shower. They accidentally bump into each other causing Emmy to groan while Daveed was pushed back a little, His towel that was wrapped around his waist almost falling off. (I'm sorry I couldn't help it) Emmy screamed as she covered her eyes scared that she would see something that she did not want to see.

"The towel  didn't fall off, don't worry your eyes are safe" He says muttering under his breath as he walks away from her and into his  room to get dressed for Emmy mother's visit.

Emmy uncovered her eyes as she let out a deep sigh and ran her hands down her shirt. "Thank God... I rather stay a pure person. Thank you very much" She says walking into the living room trying to calm her nerve.

"Hey Em" Daveed called out to her while he was fixing his hair. 

"Yeah, What's up" She yells sitting on the couch and grabbing a napkin full of chips that she laid out with bottles of water. "What should i wear??!" He calls out at her as he walks out of his room with two shirts so she can see them.

One of those shirts was a dark blue and black checked pattern shirt and a red and black shirt which one side was black and the other side was red.

"Well, Which one is it" He mutters and tilts his head as he stands there holding them up. "Ummm, Well... I like the blue and black checked pattern shirt" She says smiling at him as she picked up a chip and ate it.

Daveed nodded before putting on the shirt and buttoning it up and smiling. "So are you sure you want to do this" Her roommate said with a hint of worry.

Emmy shook her head as she smiled and let out a soft little sigh, "Yes, Daveed. I'm sure that i want to do this and beside what's the worst that can happen"

Remind Emmy to every say those six words every again. "What's the worst that can happen" Those words.

The worst that can happend is one world in four syllable: embarrassment. Plain and utter embarrassment.

The night started off just fine and normal.  When Emmy mother came through the door, the older woman immediately started talking the talking of the mouth and asking questions after questions like "When are you guys going get married??"

"When are y'all going have kids??" Emmy mother asked Her daughter with a tilt of her head.

Emmy bit her bottom of lip as she shuffled her feet on the carpet as Daveed was pulling at his collar shirt while Emmy dad was staring him down like an Eagle staring down at his prey.

Daveed bit his lip as he pulled at his shirt sleeve as he answered her father's questions.

"What do you plan on doing to my daughter??" Emmy father asked leaning forward hands crossed

"Well... ummm sir I-" He started but her father cut him off

"Are you trying to impregnate my daughter is that what you're trying to do Huh" He growled at Daveed causing the scared man to jump at the sudden Rumble of his voice.

"Mom, Now calm down please.... We only been together for about a ummm unnn" Emmy stuttered looking at Daveed for help as she started to fidget moving her hands slightly

Daveed's eyes glanced over at her hands as they started to shake. He held her hand keeping his on top of hers and intertwining their hands together.

"We been dating for the past few months" He says smiling at the other older adults in the room. "Isn't that right

Sweetness" Dav said kissing her head killing the deal.

Nailed it" his inner voice screamed out pumping his fist into the air.

The conversation went on great to Emmy eyes Daveed was doing a sorta great job. Of course she didn't want to  tell him that because that would just stroke the man's ego even further and she would never hear the end of it.

From how things are going from Emmy perspective things are going great her parents are laughing at David jokes and they were having a good time with him plus they were even eating up the fake lie.

Emmy's parents Greg Raver Lampman and Sharon Raver-Lampman just loved Daveed and his jokes, they thought that he was the perfect man for their baby girl.

~Timeskip brought to you by Lin looking tired every single time~

The time was 8:51, So it was getting pretty late.

"We should be off..." Sharon started off with the help of her husband "These old bones do get stiff on cold nights" She says smling as she wraped her red scaf around her neck. "Okay mom" Emmy sighned getting up and hugged her mother only for Emmy to hug her back and kissing her cheek.

"Come only honey" Sharon said to her husband as he was getting up and hugging Emmy.

"Good-bye princess. We'll miss you" He kissed her cheek before looking at her and then at Daveed.

"Young man.... If you lay one hand on my daughter i swear i will" He mutters glaring at him only for his wife to stop him by grabbing his tie and pulling him away.

"Oh hush you" She says looking at her daugher " Good-bye honey" She says smiling as she walked out with her husband who may or may not be sleeping on the couch tonight.

Emmy smiled as she frowned and groaned as she collapse onto the couch letting out a deep side and exhaustion 

"That's was the most longest day ever, I didn't even think I would get through it" She said kicking off her shoes.

"Yeah" Daveed said laying his head on her shoulder smiling a little looking at her lap.

Emmy giggled as she moved his hair out of her face. She ran her fingers through the thick black locks.

"You know.... I always wonder what life would be like if we was actually together.... You know like... dating...." Daveed said

"if we were actually.... D-dating???" Emmy said looking down at him in shock.

"Yeah... but we can discuss that at a later date... that is if you want to??" Daveed said giving her one of his charming smiles.

Emmy blinked before resting her head on top of his pressing her lips against his head Softly sighing.

"Maybe another time Daveed only time will tell...."Emmy whispered

"Time will tell...."


a/n: Y'all want it part 2 of the fake boyfriend. So I gave you part 2 I delivered on my part, Hope you guys liked it.

An apple for ya thoughts??

~Thinking of the next story Alex

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