She Left him at the altar [Lippa]

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Today was the day. The day that they had hoped for, The day that he had hoped for in his entire life. Of their entire lives.

It was finally happening, Lin was finally going to marry his long-term girlfriend Vanessa Nadal after 3 years.

They both have always dreamed of this day to come ever since they first met which was in highschool.

Now, let's be honest, Lin didn't really think that he had a chance with her.

He thought that she was out of his league completely. He thought that she was way too beautiful and way too good for him.

But that completely changed when Lin got the courage to ask her out on a date thanks to his friend Christopher Jackson. Chris literally had to push him in front of her almost making Lin trip on his own feet.

Lin was a stuttering mess when he was in front of her. His palms were sweating like crazy when he went fo ask her out. To which he did. But Chris had to hold him up just in case lin passed out which to the looks of it wasn't going to be much soon. But luckily she said yes to him just before Lin passed out in fear/shock

But lucky it all worked out in the beginning, With a few dates and a couple of I love yous as well as spending time together. Lin manuel miranda finally popped the question to Vansessa.

And to that she said "Yes" to him.

They planned and prep for the occasion they got the gift list together, they found a venue and gave everyone their jobs ect.

Everything was perfect... about $39.00 thousand dollars spent. Lin was up on the altar with his best men and as well Vanessa's maid of honor and the seats were packed full of guests.

Now the only thing is to wait for the bride-to-be she should be here in about a minute or so.

So they waited.......

And they waited.....

And they waited.....

They continued to wait until Vanessa got there.

It was about 6:17 P.M and yet she was not there.

"Yo, Lin where is she???" Anthony muttered as he leaned over towards Lin looking at him in confusion.

"Yeah man she was supposed to show up already it's now 6:20" Daveed said triedly as he looked at his watch.

Lin looked at the two and shrug his shoulders. "I-i don't know, Maybe she got caught in traffic or something" Lin looked around to see the tried faces and pissed off faces of people who were muttering and groaning as they talked to one another.

Suddenly as if it was like a pray Lin's phone started to buzz over and over in his pocket. He reached into his pocket and looked at it too see a message from Vansessa.

It read as follows:

I'm sorry Lin, But i can't do this.

We rushed into this without thinking about our future together we were too hasty we were not thinking.

I realized that I'm not ready for marriage. I have my whole life ahead of me and I'm still trying to figure things out and I realize that I cannot keep you and hold you down tied up like a dog to a person who doesn't have their life yet together.

It doesn't feel right. I don't want to be a burden to you or to anyone please don't take this the wrong way if I wanted to marry you I would have and believe me I would very much love to marry you.

But I just can't right now I feel like we rushed way too much into this without having much thought and thinking of the consequences of it.

Please once again don't take this the wrong way. I love you and i always will.

Ps: Tell my father and everyone else That i am sorry.


Vanessa N❤

Lin blinked a few times as he reread the message. Different types of emotion ran across his face as he try to process what just happened and what he just read.

Everyone looked at Him as Oak and Emmy kept trying took all his name over and over to which they got no response.

"Lin dude you okay?? What's going on is she coming" Oak said shaking him

"Come on Lin hon, You gotta say something" Emmy said as she frowned while looking at everyone.

Lin's lips pressed into a firm line putting his phone away. No he wasn't going to cry... No he wasn't going to scream or get mad.

He just stood there looking down not saying anything.

He looked up at the crowd to see his mother and his father looking confused and worried as well as Vanessa's parents with worried facial expressions on their faces.

Everybody face in the crowd was it range of emotions from pissed to confused or worried or just plain bored.

He continued to scan the area until he saw

phillipa looking dead at him with the face of

"What's going on and what the hell happen" as well as the words of "Are you okay written in there as well.

Their eyes met.

Dark brown to Dark brown.

Lin let out a sigh as he started to walk off the altar and started to walk down the aisle towards the doors.

He was left at the altar.

He was left at the altar

Stories and videos that he saw about women being left at the altar, he thought that that would never happen to a man most importantly he thought that would never happen to him.

But he was wrong.

He was dead wrong.

Lin was so wrong........

He was left at the altar by his beloved.

Vanessa Nadal had left him at the altar.

"Maybe i did something wrong or Maybe she found out about it" Lin thought.

Yeah and I'm going to leave y'all there...

Let me tell you when I say that the message part the phone message was like really hard for me cuz I was trying to figure out what to write.

Also i really wanted to add in a PPS: Tell (insert name) i said Hi

Anyway tell me what you thoughts in my comments. I love reading what you guys have to say.

~Alex/Lia ❤💙

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