Oh Baby a Janthony fanfic

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[In bold present

In italic two weeks ago]

Oh Baby a Janthony fanfic

Jasmine sat down on the couch cradling her 8-month-old baby bump. She smiled as she rubbed her stomach while humming a soft and sweet melody to her stomach as she moved her hand in a circle. "I just can't wait to see my little sunshine," She says softly as a small smile appears on her face.

It's been two weeks since Jasmine and Anthony found out about the news of their brand new addition adding on to the family. It all started when Jasmine was feeling nauseous and lightheaded during her scene in #FreeRayShawn.


You see once she got off the stage she started to feel her mouth water like she was going to puke.

She quickly got off the stage and ran to the nearths trash can that she could find and started to dry heave heavily that she started to empty the containers of her stomach. Once she was done she saw a lot of her co-workers cowdering around her with Concern looks written on their faces.

"Jasmine?? Are you okay" Stephan James asked her.

"I-i-i don't know" She said in a hushed tone while hanging over the garbage can as she wiped her mouth.

"Jasmine why don't you go home for the rest of the day and get some sleep" Skeet Ulrich muttered under his breath while looking at her.

"But What about the sho-" She started out only to get cut off by the director himself. "Not worry about that Jasmine, Don't worry they'll be fine. Just worry about you and you're self" The old man said in a mellow voice as he walked over to her and patted her on the back.

Jasmine looked up at her and signed as she nodded her head and got up and stood on her feet whipping her mouth. She nodded her head with a look of worry as she started to walk away from her co-workers.

And that's how Jasmine when she got home she walked to the bathroom with her mouth covered and puke again. She looked up and looked through her cabinets to find a pregnancy test that she had in hand just in case something like this was to happen were toa come up.

*Time skip*

So that's that's how Jasmin found out she was pregnant and of course she had to tell her husband Anthoney about it and of course she was scared and nervously that if she did tell him that she was pregnant that he would of course leave her on the spot.

(That's sad tbh, Seeing someone who you love very much leave you when you're pregnant). 

But when she told him Anthoney didn't seem mad, or pissed off either did he walk away and pack up his bags to leave Jas alone with prince or Nala.

The very thought of it made Jasmine cry.

What Anthony did was that he walked over to Jasmine and wrapped his arms around her pulling her in a loving embrace as he rubbed her back and whispers sweet nothings into her ear as he whisper over and over again "That everything was going to be okay" as he placed a gently kiss on her forehead.

//End of FlaskBack//

Jasmine smiled at her stomach as she heard the front door open to reveal her husband Anthoney who had just came home from work. He smiled brightly as he walked over to his pregnant wife sitting on the couch with nala next to her.

"Hi Anthoney," Jasmin said with a smile as Nala barked in response. Prince came running in the room and jumped on Ant's pants leg tail his wagging happily.

Ant smiled as he bent down and pet Prince on the top of his head "hey boy" He said with a smile on his face as he walked away from him with Prince following right behind him as he picked up Nala and sat down next to his wife as he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Hey baby, How was your day? How is the little one" He said with a smile as he put a hand on her stomach and started to rub her baby bump.

"It was good, The little one has been kicking a lot" Jasmine said with a chuckle and at that very moment the baby started to kick at her words. "Little man, Must be excited to get out and be free, Isn't that right little guy" Anthony said, cooing with a smile on his face.

She smiles as she let out a little giggling before correcting him "You mean little girl" She said looking at Ant in the eye loving. " Well what ever gender our baby is I'm sure that they will turn out beautiful just like their mother" Anthony said

"Or Hansome, Just like their father" Jasmine said humming as she rested her hand on Ant's shoulder as Anthoney kissed her on her head while Nala and Prince laid there next to the couch resting. 

~Annd that's a wrap. Good job people good job. The moon has made an appearance and to be honest I am quite shocked by that.

Anyway what did ya think of Oh baby Janthony. Love to hear your thoughts.


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