Family Outing scare [Oaklysha]

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Dao squealed as she ran away from Oak as he chased her around the park while his girlfriend 

Alysha was standing there in a white coat with fur on the hoodie as she had her hands in her coat pocket while shifting from foot to foot. It was mid-October as well as in the fall season.

Alysha shivered as she sniffed her nose was running slightly due to the cold air as well as an actual cold that she had just gotten rid of during her album of Polkadots. 

"Jeez, It's so cold out here Oak" She yelled out to him as she continued to move her weight to her other foot shaking.

Oak stopped chasing after Dao and smiled at her chuckling "Ya know, You wouldn't be cold if you just moved around like me and Dao instead of just standing there freezing" Oak said smiling as he looked at Dao who was going up the slide.

"I would move around if i wasn't so cold" She says teeth chattering as she rubbed her arms and signed as she looked at them. Oak walked over to her while shaking his head"Why don't you wanna come and play with us?" Oak said in a false disappointed way as he wrapped his arm around her waist. 

"It's just cold..." Alysha sniffed again, pulling out a tissue to blow her runny nose.

Dao went down the slide and smiled "Yayyy!!" She cheered out, clapping her two puff balls moving slightly as she jumped up and down. 

"Daddy! Daddy Did you see me!!" She yelled out looking around for Oak only to see that he wasn't there. "Dada??" She said looking back and front looking for him. 

"Ashaie" She said, looking around trying to find a creamy colored coat. The four year old's face turned into a frown as she looked for them. 

"Still it's fucking cold as hell, Why did you say that it was a good idea to go out when you knew that it was going to be cold as hell out here, Do you want me to be more sick??" Alysha muttered looking at Her boyfriend.

"No, I don't... I'm just saying that maybe if you ran around then maybe you won't be so cold, Now once again. Why not we both go back and play with Dao" Oak smiled at her as he kisses Alysha on the lips. She smiled and kissed him back as she backed away from him and looked towards the slide to see that there was no one on it.

"Umm Oak honey" Alysha with a rising panic in her voice as she felt her heart beat in her chest rapidly. Oak looked about eyes moving back and front trying to find his little girl, He swallowed hard as he moved away from his girlfriend.

"DAO!!!" He yelled out cupping his hands to his mouth making his voice louder. "Shit Shit Shit shit... DAO!! WHERE ARE YOU SWEETIE!!" He screamed out as Oak and Alysha ran through the park looking for the small girl. (I swear to god, This was not supposed to be like this at all

Panic and fear filled through Oak eyes and in his chest as Alysha felt tears in her eyes. This is not happening. Not right now, Not like this. "God dammit" she internally screamed in her head as she helped Oak look around the playground for her, the fear just became even more big then the empire state building.

Oak and Alysha looked everywhere, Up and down from left to right and there was no luck. They couldn't find her at all. It was so much that Oak was so close to calling the cops and filing a missing-person report.

"Dada!!!" "Dadda" "Dada!!!!" Dao screamed out as she ran over to Oak screaming with tears down her face. Oak turned over and looked at her as he smiled with tears running down his face. 

"DAO!!" He cried out running towards her and picked her up, holding her in a hug as he stroked her hair, The little girl cried in her father's neck as she softly sobbed the words "Daddy" over and over.

"Dao, Sweetheart what happened honey" Alysha cried as she ran over to her and looked over as her hands shook. 

Dao looked at her daddy friend as she whimpered "I-i-i was looking for y-you guys a-a-and i didn't see either of you.... I-i-i though you guys left me.." She said voice going small as she sniffed looking at them with light brown and wet eyes.

"Oh honey..." Oak said holding her and kissing her head "Were so sorry, We should have been keeping an eye on you... I'm so sorry Angel" Oak muttered looking at her only to hug her again.

"Don't ever run off like that again Dao" Ashely said softly stroking her hair as she kissed her head. "You scared us half to death" she said to her.

Dao shook her head as she snuggled more into Oak's neck.

"You know what, we just go home and sit in front of the tv with some hot hot chocolate so we can get over the little scare" Oak said looking at his two girls.

Ashely and Dao looked at him and they both nodded their heads with a little smile as Oak shifted his daughter on his back so that she's holding on to his neck and his hands supporting her up.

Oak and Ashely held hands as they walked home with their little girl resting her head on Oak's shoulder.

That's the end of a new ship One-shot. 

I'm telling you when it was hard to figure out what to do with them. Having Dao kinda getting lost was not my original plan. 

Tell me what you thoughts about it.

I'm sorry for how crappy this is, also sorry for how short this is.

Alex/Lia 💙

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