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I was dumbfounded and felt like I was sick wondering who that woman was last night. It could just be one of father's business partners. But my mind played other games. I felt my stomach somehow build its way up to my throat as I thought about it.

My mind was spinning in circles as I lay flat on my bed and starring at the blank ceiling on above me. I closed my eyes to let my thoughts simmer down to other things. I was on a day-off since last night probably almost lead me drunk. And there was really not much I can do today. Jade's in New York to get her boutique all set up for the opening next year. Stephanie is somewhere else in the world doing random photo shoots for her modeling career. And most likely, Caden is out and about with his guy friends or doing some work or something.

I lay there, still and breathing. The room felt cold despite having the windows open on a warm day here in LA. My heart was still beating. I'm still here. I waited for time to pass, but every second felt like I was getting more and more pulled down by gravity.

"Xander, I'm warning you!"

And there it is....

"For Goodness sake, shut up amber! I cannot deal with you and your opinions right now! I've got a business to run!"

"What? You're busy with that woman? The hell? You think I'm stupid?"

"Enough! Amber!"

"I'm telling you! If this keeps going then I'm leaving!"

"And how do you think you're going to survive without me! That woman you've been talking about with your bloody blabbering mouth is none of your business!"

"It is my business for Christ's sake, Xander! I'M YOUR WIFE!"

The screaming and shouting kept going. And I was still here. Barely alive and put together by tangled threads. As I breathe heavily, I began to notice the white ceiling turning paler and paler by the moment. I didn't know pale would have even pale colors.
I hear a loud crash down the hall, probably one of our vases. I hear my mom screaming and crying and my dad raging in anger.

And then.....a painful memory came to me.

Jersey! Please!

Hold on, Quinn!

I can't! Jers-


I wanted to move my fingers, my limbs, maybe fix my pillow. But I couldn't. Then I felt myself smile as I continued to look at the ceiling. My lips, cruising into a smile felt like the most painful thing I had ever done. But it was all I can do.

Suddenly, my phone began to ring. I decided to move and grab my phone. I didn't know who owned the number so I answered.


"Ms. McMahan, you're late!" A voice suddenly echoed. I widened my eyes when I realized who it was.

"Killian?" I muttered in confusion. "The hell?"

"Where are you?"

I scoffed just listening to the tone of his voice. "I'm on a day-off, idiot. What do you mean, late?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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