The crash

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Jax, Tig, Chibs, and Happy were flying from a meeting in Belfast. Things had gone good according to the VP. There was a lot of turbulence on the flight but Jax tried to reassure himself that things were going to be fine. The ride was a bumpy one from the get-go, but suddenly it got a lot worse. The whole plane started shaking. It was like a kid taking a model plane in his hands and just shaking with all his might. The captain came back on and said they'd hit some turbulence and that he was trying to get them out of it. 'Just sit tight, we'll be fine' he said. Tig huffed. They're flying in the middle of a fucking blizzard!! Tig was about to speak up when it felt like the plane was taking a nosedive.

Suddenly the plane jerked, very hard, to the left. Jax hit the window with Chibs on his side. He thought Tig hit his window as well. He heard Happy cussing. He wasn't sure what exactly happened after that. The plane was jerked around like it was on a string. They jerked right and Chibs & Jax both landed more or less on top of Tig and Happy. A few minutes later was when he was knocked unconscious.

Jax woke back up sometime later. The plane again felt like it was in a nosedive. This time, he thought they really were. The deceleration was fast and hard. Jax Teller knew they were gonna crash. The plane jerked again. He hit the window again and after that, everything went black once more. Tig did his best to protect his brothers but with people jerking around like they were it was impossible.

When the SAA woke up, everything was extremely cold and dark. His face felt sticky. It took him a while but he was finally able to stand up on shaky legs and look around. He couldn't see much because the snow was blinding. It was apparent the plane had crashed, pretty violently from what he could see. His one and only concern were his brothers.

Tig began digging around, hoping and praying that everyone was still alive. The snow was bitterly cold and had already piled up at least five feet. It was hard to move around. Fearing for his brothers, he forced himself to dig through the wreckage. He lifted a piece of plane and found an unconscious Jax laying there. He tried to pick him up. The blond biker slowly opened his eyes and smiled at him, thankful Tig was alive.

They talked about searching for the other two members of their party. "We can't leave them out here all by their selves!" Jax shouted at his SAA earning a head nod in response. Tig went in one direction and Jax went in the other. It probably wasn't a good idea, seeing as how you couldn't see more than a few feet in front of you. Tig walked around some more and found again what he thought was a human. Moving the very, very, very heavy piece of metal, he found Chibs!

All of him, both legs intact. Tig was so relieved, he pulled him close to him and embraced him in a very tight hug. He wouldn't wake up though. Tig tried slapping him, poking him, screaming his name in his ear. He wouldn't wake up. Tig began to think he was dead. Tig suddenly decided to check for a pulse on his wrist. He was alive, but just barely.

Jax arrived with Happy. They looked at Tig with concern, seeing the tears he didn't even know were flowing. Jax helped him pick Chibs up. He didn't know where they were going. Each man had at least one broken limb, in some cases two, concussions, as well as various lacerations. They tried to walk through the snowstorm to find shelter so they could bed down for the night. Walking with a broken leg through a blinding snowstorm wasn't easy.

The group passed out from exertion and pain two-hundred yards from the plane crash. Three friends living a sleepy mountain town in Colorado was listening to the weather on their weather radio to stay up to date on the snowstorm. Hearing what sounded like an explosion, they rushed out onto their front porch. They could see smoke from a fire from their house. "A plane or something must've crashed. There could be survivors! The crash site is close enough to here we could probably get there by snowmobile! We should go see if we can help!" Ambrosia exclaimed earning head nods from her two roommates.

After bundling up, they took their snowmobiles, hooked up their utility sleds, and heading out towards the plane crash. If there were any survivors, they could ride in the utility sled back to their house until the snowstorm let up. The crash was about three miles away from their huge cabin and it too about half an hour to get there. They stopped and climbed off their snowmobiles to look around for survivors. They found tracks in the snow and decided to follow them. Back on their snowmobiles, they cautiously followed the tracks until they came upon four men passed out in the snow.

"Let's get them into the sleds. We'll take them back to the house." Ambrosia instructed.

Jezebel and Lilac helped their friend get the long-haired blond into Ambrosia's sled. They gently laid him down and got him as comfortable as possible. He groaned in pain making all three women frown. They did the same for the next three men, with two having to share Lilac's sled. The women raced back to their home to get the men out of the weather and into the house. They needed medical care and to warm up.

It took a little while for the three women to get each man out of the sled, without making his injuries worse, and into their home. The had one long couch and two loveseats with recliners in them. They set each man in one of the recliners in the loveseats while they brought in their companions. Ambrosia wen to get her medical kit, since she was a paramedic, and went to check out the three men. The long-haired blond had a broken left leg. She used rolled up news papers to splint his leg.

Jezebel went to make hot cocoa while her friend was checking the men out. It was hard to do while they were unconscious. As Ambrosia was splinting the bald man's leg, the blond began to stir. She looked over at him and smiled.

"Good, you're awake. Now I can do a more thorough examination." Ambrosia stated.

"Who are you? Where am I?" He inquired as the one with the scars on his face began to rouse.

"My name's Ambrosia. My friends and I brought you to our house after we found you out in the woods after that plane crash." Ambrosia explained, "I need to check you out to see what other injuries you have. I still need to stitch up your arm as well."

"We have hot cocoa if you'd like some." Jezebel stated.

"That would be lovely. Miss." Jax smiled at her as Ambrosia got to cleaning then stitching up his arm.

"Who are yeh and where are we?" The one with the scars asked with a thick Scottish accent.

"My name's Ambrosia. The one bringing around hot cocoa is Jezebel. The one coming down the stairs is Lilac. You're in our house. We found you out in the woods after the plane crash." Ambrosia told the foursome.

"Who are you? And would you like some hot cocoa to help warm you up?" Jezebel questioned.

"That would be lovely, thank yeh. I'm Chibs." Chibs stated.

"My name's Alex but you can call me Tig." Tig stated as he looked around at the three women, "The one right here is named Happy."

"Pleasure to meet you fellas." Lilac smiled at the group.

Jezebel passed out cups of hot cocoa while Ambrosia checked out all four men. Happy stared at her as she assisted her friend. Lilac sat on the long leather couch and just watched the men watching her friends. Lilac passed out blankets to help warm up the men after Ambrosia was through looking them over and patching them up.

A/N: Please review and vote below :D

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