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Lilac was sitting out on the picnic table just outside the clubhouse when Happy returned with Ambrosia. She watched as he parked the car then hastily walked around to the passenger side and helped her out of it. They walked slowly to the clubhouse making her smile at her friend as they eventually made it to her. Am told him she wanted to sit with her friend. He gently picked her up and set her on top of the table where her feet were resting on the seat.

"Will you go fetch Jez? There's something we need to discuss." Am told her friend as Happy walked off leaving the girls alone.

"What's up, Chica?" Jez asked when she and Lilac made it back outside.

"Happy found us a house. It is absolutely stunning. Three big, beautiful bedrooms. Each bedroom has a bathroom attached so no more sharing. (All three women laughed) It's huge, way under our budget for finding a house, in a nice neighborhood. I already signed the papers and have the keys. We can set up direct pay when the check clears." Ambrosia explained to her friends.

"Oh my God! He found us a house already?" Lilac's jaw dropped.

"Yeah. (Am giggled)" Ambrosia stated.

"Spill. What else happened besides signing for a house the two of us haven't seen yet." Jezebel narrowed her eyes playfully at her friend.

"God, I hate how perceptive you are sometimes!" Ambrosia rolled her eyes as she laughed.

"Well?" Lilac urged.

"He asked me to be his girl." Ambrosia stated making the other two gasp, "And I said yes."

"Holy shit, sistah! You finally gots you a man!" Jez laughed.

"Yeah. This man cares so much for me that he killed someone for me. Can you believe that? You hear guys all the time saying they'd do anything for you but this one actually killed someone for me." Am sighed with a smile on her face.

Another club party was happening that night making all three women roll their eyes. It wasn't something they particularly liked, especially seeing all the scantily clad whores pushing up on anything with a leather vest, but what could they do? Jez and Am were curious to see how their men would act that night with all the whores hanging around trying to get with them.

With being shot, and all the torture Am had gone through, none were looking to be very dressed up. Just jeans and tanks. Gemma and Clay stayed in the corner watching the debauchery and talking of what all had happened in the last few weeks. There was some issues with Alvarez that needed clearing up. The Niners were having trouble. Clay was hoping there wasn't any trouble brewing for the club.

The trio of women, once again, sat at the bar and just watched the chaos around them. Chibs and Happy were sitting at a table together drinking and chatting. Tig was sitting on one of the couches with Bobby watching the girls who were fluttering around the clubhouse. Ratboy had been instructed by Happy and Chibs that the trio of women were only allowed water since they were still taking pain medication for their wounds.

As the night went on, people got crazier with all the alcohol they'd consumed. It always made Ambrosia shake her head. They were laughing about something when a member from a visiting charter came to a stop by the bar. He ordered himself a drink and began hitting on Ambrosia. She was having none of it, already agreeing to be Happy's girl, and kept politely turning down his advances. He picked her up by her sides and lifted her off the ground.

"Stop it! You're hurting me!" She exclaimed making him squeeze her sides.

"Let her go!" Jez stated.

"Fuck off, whore! This bitch is coming with me tonight!" The guy stated as he threw Ambrosia over his shoulder.

She screamed loudly causing Happy to look to where the scream came from. Seeing his woman over someone else's shoulder made him see red again. He jumped up from the table, with Chibs right behind him, and rushed over. He shoved the guy making him stumble. The Scotsman somehow grabbed her before she fell to the ground crying. She was having a hard time breathing and her crying wasn't helping. Suddenly the entire clubhouse heard Happy shout:


Several bikers gasped at what the Killer had said before the other guy took a swing at him. Happy dodged it before landing his own punch making his head swivel to the right. Chibs moved all three women away from the bar to the front doors. "Get them out in the ring!" Clay told Tig.

"Hap! In the ring. NOW!" Tig stated when he rushed over to where the two men were brawling.

Happy stalked over to where their boxing ring was set up and began taking his kutte and t-shirt off. Chibs was still looking over Ambrosia to make sure the guy hadn't done any serious damage to her. Lilac and Jezebel walked over to watch Happy beat the shit out of the guy who'd tried to assault their friend. Some whore was holding his stuff when they arrived. The other guy was bouncing from foot to foot but Happy just stood there.

"What's so special about some whore like her?" The guy taunted Happy.

Happy lunged forward delivering an upper cut. The guy's head tilt backwards. The more the guy shit-talked Ambrosia, the angrier Happy became. Gemma just smirked already have figured out what some of the guys were just now figuring out. The angrier Happy became, the more vicious he became. His opponent was barely recognizable by the time Happy was done. His hand were bloody and cut up, his nose was bleeding, he had a black eye already forming, and his bottom lip had split.

Once out of the ring, he quickly redressed, wincing as he put his rings back on, and rushed back to the clubhouse. Ambrosia had calmed down some but there were still tears streaking down her face. She watched over Chibs' shoulder as Happy stalked to where they were sitting out on the picnic tables. Chibs moved to his left some so Happy could stand in front of her. Without thinking, in front of all his brothers, he cupped her face with both hands and crashed their lips together.

Sex was sex but everyone knew Happy didn't just kiss women. This was meaningful on more than one level. He was letting his woman know she was cared for and he was letting his brothers know she was completely off limits. She was no crow-eater or sweet-butt. The previous party should have let everyone know but there were some members from other charters there that night. "Want me to doctor yeh up, Hap?" Chibs asked earning a simple head nod in response.

"What happened?" Lilac asked.

"I taught him a lesson about messing with what's mine." Happy stated, voice low and deep.

Chibs returned a few minutes later to doctor up Happy's face and hands. Tig had ushered Jezebel back into the clubhouse and were sitting at the bar. He had the prospect pour them both a drink as he sat there watching her stare absent-mindedly into the crowd.

"Jez? You ok?" Tig asked.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah. Just...freaked out a little, I guess." She replied before downing the shot that had been set before her.

"I hope you ladies know that we'll defend our women to the death if we have to. No one, if they know what's good for them, will ever mess with you." Tig stated.

"Would you kill for me?" Her question took him off guard.

"Where did that question come from?" He asked, avoiding the question for the moment.

"You know he found a house for us already. That's where they went earlier. He was showing her the house. She loves it. We were out there talking about it. And of him asking her to be his girl." She stated before downing another shot that had been set before her, "Someone stated that a lot of guys say they'll do anything for you. But Happy...he actually killed a man for my friend. He's proven he'd do anything for her already."

"Happy and me...we're cut from a different cloth from most. We're violent men, Jez. Every brother here will defend their woman, of course. But me and Happy tend to take things to the extreme. If he had known what all had been done to her, how bad off she was, he probably would have made Evan's suffering last longer." Tig explained, "And to finally answer your question, if I had to, yes I would. If I had to take a bullet to protect you, I would. And Happy's the same way. He'll take a bullet for your friend too."

A/N: Awww. Violent Happy for his woman is a bit of a turn on, don't you agree? ^_~

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