2am talks

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The group made idle chit-chat as they got to know one another a little better. Sometime around midnight, the women explained the bedding situation and helped the men get comfortable enough to go to sleep. Jezebel and Lilac cleaned up from making them dinner while Ambrosia was chatting with the foursome. The ladies eventually bid the men goodnight and headed upstairs to go to bed.

Ambrosia couldn't help but notice how the bald headed one didn't speak much. At least to them. He was attractive in his own, "leave me the fuck alone" kind of way. She wondered what their real story was. What could simple mechanics be doing in Belfast? She wasn't going to push the issue as she shook her head. 'There's no sense in getting involved. He'll be leaving once this storm lets up enough for us to drive them to the hospital then the airport.' she told herself.

Happy couldn't sleep. His thoughts kept turning to their beautiful redheaded hostess. She offered them a place to stay, fed them, doctored them up. What was her story? Why was she living with two other women? Were they in some weird relationship? He leaned back in his recliner thinking about the slightly wave red hair that went past her perfectly sculpted ass.

She had curves in all the right places, boobs that weren't so large you knew they were fake but big enough to have some fun with. Light skin with very soulful light green eyes. Thinking of their host made it hard for him to get to sleep. Of course, the sound of snores from three men also made it hard to get to sleep.

Around two am, she got up and tip-toed downstairs. She couldn't sleep and needed a drink. Thinking all four men were asleep, she quietly walked into her kitchen to get herself a glass of OJ before sitting down at the dining table. Happy carefully and quietly stood from his recliner and hobbled his way to the dining room.

"What are you doing up?" She heard a deep, gravelly voice question making her jump.

"Oh my! I didn't think anyone else would be up." Ambrosia chuckled nervously, "Why aren't you asleep?"

"You didn't answer my question." He stated.

"Had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep. Thought getting something to drink would help." She replied, "Now are you going to answer my question?"

"Just...thinking about our situation." He rubbed his face, "We really need to get a message to our motorcycle club back in Cali so they know we're alive and ok. Why were you having a nightmare?"

"I wish we could help you guys with that. Honestly. We're not getting any cell service because of this damned storm." She shrugged, "Oh. I've had them for several years now. Violent ex. No big deal."

"That is a big deal. Does he bother you here? So, you don't think we're all that bad off? Or were you just telling us that to keep us calm?" He suddenly blurted out.

She stared at him in disbelief. Why was this man suddenly concerned about her safety?


"I don't think he knows where I live. I did the best I could to hide my tracks when I left college." She shrugged, "Well, broken legs, a broken arm, bruised ribs, deep muscle bruising, various lacerations, and concussions are nothing to scoff at. I don't think any of you have any internal bleeding but you all really need to be seen at a hospital to know for sure."

He just stared at her before realizing she was in some very short shorts and white tank top. 'Is this what she wears to bed?' he thought to himself.

"You should really go lay back down. Your body needs sleep to help repair itself." She softly stated.

"Can't sleep." He shrugged.

"Count sheep. Or motorcycles. (He gave a half smile) Have a glass of milk. But you guys really do need to rest." She explained.

"I'll go back to bed when you do." He told her earning a chuckle in response.

"Fair enough. I'm done with my OJ anyways." She stood from her seat, "Let's get you back to your recliner."

She slipped her arm around his back to help keep him steady as he hobbled back into the living room. She helped ease him back down in the recliner before picking up his blanket. As he got settled in the chair, she was draping the blanket over his lap. He noticed she didn't wear a bra to bed and immediately wondered if her magnificent breasts were real. "Good night, Happy." she stated before cautiously walking back upstairs.

"Good night, Ambrosia." He whispered before closing his eyes and trying to get to sleep.

Jezebel and Lilac were in the kitchen cooking breakfast when Ambrosia made it downstairs the next morning. She was handed a cup of coffee before asking if she could do anything. Lilac shook her head no and said they had it covered. She smiled, took her coffee, and headed to the living room. She looked around at the four sleeping men in her living room and smiled. Happy seemed to have finally fell asleep.

"Mornin' Darlin'." She heard Jax's sleepy voice greet her.

"Morning, Jax. Would you like some coffee?" She sweetly asked.

"That would be amazing. Thanks." He flashed her his Teller grin again.

"Coooooffeeeeeeee..." Tig trailed making her laugh.

She headed into the kitchento grab two cups of the black liquid gold for their guests. As she made it backinto the living room, both Chibs and Happy were waking up. She flashed a warmsmile to the bald man before heading back into the kitchen for two more cups ofcoffee. The scrambled eggs and pan sausage were nearly done to her delight.

Lilac and Jezebel got the eggs, sausage, and biscuits to the table before telling everyone else that breakfast was ready. Just as they had done for dinner the previous night, each woman helped one of the men to the table and got settled. Ambrosia helped Chibs and Happy who happily draped an arm around her shoulders as she walked him to the table.

"So, how did you fellas sleep? Better than on a snow-covered ground I hope!" Jezebel asked.

"We were on something soft, warm, with out the fear of wild animals getting us. We were more than comfortable." Jax laughed earning a head nod from the other three men as platters were passed around the table.

"I slept very well once I started counting bikes." Happy looked over at Ambrosia who just laughed.

The others at their table looked between the pair. Something had gone on between them in the middle of the night for them to have an inside joke.

"Glad to hear it. We'll get the weather radio out and check the weather today. I doubt we'll have good news but it's worth a listen." Ambrosia explained earning a head nod from Jax who had a mouthful of eggs.

"You think we'll be stuck here for over a week?" Tig asked earning a jab to his ribs from the blond, "Not that we're not grateful for your hospitality and kindness, ladies."

"This storm is the worst the state has seen in decades, hun. If I were you, I'd prepare to just hunker down until it passes." Jezebel responded earning a sigh from a few of the bikers.

"Well, we are certainly grateful for your kindness in taking us in. We'd have died out there on our own, I'm sure of it." Jax stated.

"We heard the crash. Ran to the front porch and could see the smoke from here. We knew we had to do something, especially if there were survivors. There was no way we could have let innocent people stay out in this storm." Lilac exclaimed making her two friends nod in agreement.

A/N: Think there's a love-connection between Ambrosia and Happy? Or him just being his usual paranoid self?

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