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She was standing at the sink preparing dishes to be loaded into the dishwasher when he walked up behind her. He easily slid his arms around her tiny waist making her giggle and lean back into his warm embrace. He buried his face in her neck and inhaled her scent. It had always been intoxicating, even from the first time they met in Colorado.

He began kissing her neck making her giggle. His right hand slid down her body and underneath the long t-shirt she put on after climbing out of bed and before she got dressed for the day. Instinctively, she moved her legs apart for him earning a soft moan from the man behind her. He eased two of his calloused fingers into her folds making her moan this time. Slowly, he moved faster and faster. She grabbed his left arm with hers and tried to steady herself on the counter with her right.

"Come for me, baby! Let me hear you scream my name!"

He hit her again causing a gash across her stomach this time. She winced in pain making him laugh at her. Nothing was funny so she didn't know why he was laughing. She could feel blood pooling at the site of this gash wound. Her eyes went wide when she saw him bring out a knife. He moved to straddle her lap, despite the blood and bruises that were there, and stared into her eyes.

"I'm going to mark you so everyone you meet, everyone you try to sleep with, knows who you truly belong to!" He stated before laughing manically.

His words frightened her. The pain was intense as he cut a big 'E' into her chest. She could feel the blood flowing down her torso and the tears sliding down her cheeks. He punched her for being so weak and crying.


Juice arrived at the appropriate hotel in San Jose after the rest of the bikers had convened there. The VP showed the same man Evan had dealt with a photo of Evan and Ambrosia. He shrugged indifferently until Jax slid a few grand to him. The blond biker was then given a key while the man turned off the security cameras, upon Tig's...insistence. They split into two elevators and headed straight for her room. Happy's heart was racing for more than one reason.

He was excited to finally get his hands on the bastard who'd taken everything from Ambrosia. Two, he needed to see if she were ok. Physically at least. They all knew she'd be pretty messed up psychologically after all this, especially not knowing what all had been done to her while she'd been held captive. He wasn't prepared for the sight that would be waiting for them inside. Juice slowly slid the key into the lock then shoved the door open.

Ambrosia couldn't look any of the bikers in the eye as they rushed into the room. Gasps could be heard as they looked her over. Tig rushed over and knocked Evan to the ground, throwing punch after punch to the kids face. Jax and Miles pulled the SAA off him. "He's Hap's, brother." Jax told the wild man.

"See, this is how this is going to go down. We're going to bound you up and take you out to our van. (Evan raised an eyebrow) Oh you thought we'd just put a bullet in your head here? Nah, that ain't how we work." Jax explained.

"The only one you need to concern yourself with is Happy over there. He's been planning what he wants to do to you for a while now. Your death is going to be slow and painful." Tig sadistically smirked.

Happy looked over at him and growled before turning his attention back to Ambrosia. He'd undid all her restraints making her curl up into a ball. Chibs handed all her clothes over so she could hobble into the bathroom to get dressed. Evan wanted to fight, despite being out numbered and out gunned, so Tig cold-cocked him to shut him up.

"We gotta wait till it's dark to move him." Opie stated.

"She needs to be seen at deh hospital immediately." Chibs stated.

"I'll take her. It may not be the easiest on the back of a back but at least they can start tending to her quicker." Happy immediately stated, "Let me know when you've got him at the cabin."

"Sure thing, Killah." Jax stated as she emerged fully dressed from the bathroom.

"Think you can handle being on the back of bike for a bit? I'm taking you to St. Thomas to be looked over." Happy's gravelly voice told her.

She merely nodded before moving away from her ex and closer to Happy. He draped his arm over her shoulders and led her outside to his bike. There were so many things he wanted to tell her. Firstly, how sorry he was they weren't there to protect them like they'd been promised. The Sons had underestimated the little prick and it nearly cost her friends' lives and almost her own. He wanted to beg for her forgiveness which wasn't like him at all.

He wanted to beg her to stay in Charming. He could keep an eye out for her, protect her, and be there for her anytime she needed or wanted. Her body and mind were too weak to fight anything right now. All she wanted was rest. He made her wrap her arms around his waist before he left the hotel's parking lot on their way back to Charming. He reveled in her being on the back of his bike, her arms around his waist, leaning up against him. He liked the feeling too much.

Happy sighed knowing there was probably no way in hell she'd ever want to be with him. Especially now that he'd let her down after promising several times he'd keep them safe. It broke his heart but what could he do? He sped towards Charming hoping Jax was smart enough to call ahead. When they finally reached their destination, Tara was waiting outside with a nurse and a gurney.

"We found her in this condition, Tara. Please let me know how bad she is." Happy quietly told their resident doctor.

"She's in good hands, Happy." Tara reassured him before following the gurney back inside.

He parked his bike then went inside. After finding her room on the right floor, he had a seat. She'd been taken for testing so all he could do was sit around and wait. Not something he was very good at. His phone buzzed in his pocket signaling a new text. He took his phone out to see that Jax had sent him a message.

Jax: how's she doing?

Happy: took her for some tests, not sure yet. Still waiting.

Jax: keep us informed, brother.

Happy ran his hand over his face. This was all his fault! He never should have left the clubhouse. How could they not have seen this was a set-up? How did he get the Niners' and Alvarez's phone numbers? He had to have someone on the inside. He had to have someone helping him with all of this. There's no way he could have done this on his own. It angered Happy greatly but for the moment all he wanted to focus on was what he was going to do to Evan and making sure Ambrosia was ok.

Over an hour later and she was wheeled back into her room. The nurse said she began freaking out so they gave her something to calm her down. The test results would take a while to come back so he just sat in his chair and turned the TV on waiting to hear how bad off she really was. As he sat there, he grabbed ahold of her hand and gave it a squeeze, hoping she wouldn't absolutely despise him for not being there when she needed him the most.

A/N: How bad off do you think Ambrosia is? Will she come out of this ok? Will she let Happy and the guys back into her life?

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