Moving day

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A short while later, Happy stood up and helped his woman off the table. He walked her to her dorm room where they stood for a few minutes talking and saying goodnight. He pulled her into his arms and planted his lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around his waist, lifting her arms too high was still painful, as they stood there kissing. He made all these strange feelings pop up in her that she didn't think she'd ever have again after Evan.

"Remember, I'm just down the hall if you need anything." Happy told her.

"Thanks, Happy. I'll see you tomorrow." She stated before he leaned down to kiss her again.

Instead of heading back out into the main room, he headed to his room to get a quick shower then crawl into bed. After the brutal fight in the ring, he was exhausted. Tig and Jezebel watched as Happy cautiously led Ambrosia down the hall to her dorm. It was past midnight and the party was still going on. He raised an eyebrow when she headed towards the dorms.

He smiled before sliding off his stool and following her. The door to her room was cracked so he pushed it open with his foot then walked in. She was in the bathroom changing for bed so he shut the door behind him. She smiled when she exited the bathroom in her pajama short and tank set. They sat on the edge of her bed in silence for a little while before she started to yawn.

"Lay down and get comfortable." He instructed.

She watched as he slid his kutte off and draped it over the chair by the desk. He took off all his clothes leaving himself in just his boxers before turning out the lights and slipping into bed with her. "I don't usually let strange men just crawl into bed with me!" Jezebel stated making him laugh. "I'm not just any strange man. I'm your strange man." he countered before kissing her forehead and pulling her into his arms.

The boys had gone off doing "club business" stuff so Ambrosia asked Gemma if she knew of any good places for furniture and house shopping. The Queen Bee recommended a few making the younger woman thank her. The trio of ladies headed out to the shops Gemma had suggested to check them out and put whatever they found on order. Ambrosia was hoping the insurance check would be deposited soon.

It took several hours but Lilac and Jezebel had found their perfect bedroom sets. Ambrosia was still looking as well as looking for the right living room furniture set. She wanted it comfortable and inviting. A place for people to come and relax. To feel at home. She wanted to feel at peace in her home too. Especially since Lilac and Jezebel would be there almost all the time since they worked from home. They finally found the perfect living room furniture in the Coaster Sir Rawlinson Coated Microfiber Motion Living Room Set in Brown.

 They finally found the perfect living room furniture in the Coaster Sir Rawlinson Coated Microfiber Motion Living Room Set in Brown

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(Except there was a second loveseat across from the first and a second recliner to the immediate right from the first)

They had delivery set up for the living room forthat afternoon. The bedroom sets for Lilac and Jezebel were set for the followingday. Ambrosia was starting to think she'd never find a suitable bedroom set. Itwas very discouraging. The last store they visited for various other pieces offurniture was the magic store. She carefully looked over each bedroom set untilher eyes landed on the one.

She smiled as she walked around their make-shift bedroom showcasing all the pieces with a huge smile

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She smiled as she walked around their make-shift bedroom showcasing all the pieces with a huge smile. The sales rep happily took the order and said they'd have it delivered the following day. She looked once more at her new bedroom set and smiled. Everything else would be delivered the day after next. With that part of their house shopping done, Lilac suggested they head to the next store so they could get pots, pans, and all the other kitchen essentials. Ambrosia groaned but knew it was necessary.

They also stopped for basic groceries figuring they'd do a more thorough shopping trip later. Ambrosia stated they couldn't be out too much longer since the living room set was going to be delivered that afternoon. Having all they needed, they headed to their new home. They made it before the movers and began moving in all their new purchases. The sound of motorcycles could be heard coming down the street making Ambrosia and Jezebel smile.

The trio of women were still bringing in bags and boxes when three bikers pulled into their driveway. They greeted Lilac as she came out of the house to take more bags in. Each man grabbed some boxes and bags and followed her inside. Tig and Chibs were impressed with what Happy had found making the Tacoma Killah puff his chest out slightly. He'd have to remember to thank Gemma for this sometime soon.

Before long, everything from Lilac's SUV had been unloaded and the furniture truck had arrived. Happy had to laugh at seeing his woman giving directions to where she wanted furniture to go. She was always so polite and gentle. It wasn't like she was really being mean to them. She had what Gemma liked to say was a more passive personality even though she was quite outgoing.

"Yeah! We can stay here tonight instead of the clubhouse." Lilac stated as she plopped down on the new couch.

"What's deh matter, lassie? Don't like us?" Chibs fake pouted making all three women laugh.

"No, we love you guys. But I'm sure you need those rooms." Ambrosia stated after she quit laughing, "Besides, we want to stay in our own house."

"Fair enough." Tig smiled at his woman, "How about the grand tour?"

"Sure!" Jezebel excitedly stated as Lilac stood up.

Happy and Ambrosia stayed in the living room. He pulled her into his arms and looked down at her with a smile.

"You sure you ladies want to stay here tonight? You don't even have beds yet." He asked.

"Yeah. It'll be like having a sleepover. Besides, our bedroom sets will be delivered tomorrow. We'll most likely be getting the house in order all of tomorrow. Why don't you come by and we'll cook you dinner." She offered.

"I'd love to. I'm sure Tig will too. At least this time you don't have to help us to and from the living room to the dining room." He chuckled.

"It was no problem." She playfully slapped his chest.

"I'm really glad you came to our rescue, Ambrosia. I've never met anyone like you before." He stated before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers.

"And the couple making out in the living room didn't come with the house. Let's head upstairs and we'll show you our bedrooms and the library!" Jezebel poked fun at her friend.

Tig and Chibs laughed as they followed the two women up the stairs. Neither Happy nor Ambrosia paid any mind to them as they stood there locked in their own little world. He wrapped his left hand in her hair while his right hand sat in the middle of her lower back pressing her further into him. He wanted her. Badly. But he knew he had to wait until her body and mind had healed. Something deep down told him this was the woman he wanted to ink with his crow.

A/N: Happy...inking a woman? With his crow? Do you believe it? Will he do it?

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