The dream

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Three days. It had been three days since Jezebel and Lilac had been shot and Ambrosia had been kidnapped. Three days and neither Tig nor Happy had slept much. Tig was staying at the hospital night and day with Jezebel. Happy was too concerned with finding the man who would be his next happy face tattoo. It was a foregone conclusion to everyone else that the kill belonged to Happy.

They had reached out to other charters to keep a look out for a man with a woman who looked like Ambrosia. Everyone told them they would keep an extra look out but so far nothing was panning out. Juice had been feverishly checking the closest airports but Ambrosia had not popped up in any of the surveillance footage. It was both a blessing and a curse. Happy was going crazy as he paced his room itching for the moment he got his hands on Ambrosia's ex.


"Ugh." Ambrosia moaned.

She had made it through another beating. Happy's words kept her spirits up. "Don't worry your pretty little head about a thing. We'll find him and we'll deal with him." She knew they would find her. Eventually. They would find her and they would take care of Evan. Permanently. That's what she kept telling herself throughout each attack. 'Just stay alive long enough for them to find you!' Whenever she found her resolve waning, Happy's deep, gravelly voice would hit her mind. "We'll protect you"

It was his voice that kept her going. He had stepped out to grab something to eat. As usual, she wasn't allowed to eat. She was sore. She was bloody and bruised. She prayed and willed Happy to burst through the door. To make good on his promise of taking care of Evan. Although her right mind knew she didn't want to see what Happy would do to Evan for what he'd done to her, a small, sick part of her mind wanted to watch the entire spectacle.


"Ok, we know his name is Evan Van Bree. He rented a car in Deliverance three days ago. It's a black Nissan Altima with obviously Colorado plates. He's rented rooms in four separate hotels. Two in Lodi and two in Stockton." Juice explained, "I haven't seen his picture in any airport security footage that I've scanned so far."

"Then they haven't flown out of state. But just because he has rented rooms doesn't mean they're there. That would be dumb." Jax stated.

"Keep digging. Use her name too. Just in case." Bobby stated.

"Well? What's the plan?" Chibs asked.

"We separate. Each take a hotel room until we find where he's hiding them." Bobby offered.

"Ok. Bobby and Ratboy take one hotel in Lodi. Chibs, fetch Tig and take the other. Jax, you and Opie take one of the hotels in Stockton. Miles and Happy can take the other Stockton hotel." Clay stated.

"Sounds good, prez." Jax stated as everyone got the hotel name from Juice.

Chibs called Tig to let him know what they'd found out and that he was needed to help raid a hotel. The SAA kissed Jezebel's head, since she was asleep from her pain meds, before leaving to meet up with the Scotsman. He prayed that they found Ambrosia and found her alive. Juice was still fanatically searching as the rumble of bikes leaving the lot was heard. They all felt bad that they'd been duped by this guy and left the women unprotected. Even if Gemma had been there, she might have been able to shoot the guy and ward off this attempt.

Every hotel and motel they burst through, they were disappointed. Neither Ambrosia nor Evan was there. They showed pictures of both and neither had ever been there. He'd made the reservations over the phone. Happy punched the side of the building. Miles stayed quiet at the outburst not wanting to incur the Tacoma Killah's wrath. Juice was all but deflated when security footage from a hotel in San Jose caught his attention.

The man looked a lot like Evan and he had a woman who could have passed for Ambrosia's twin. A wad of cash was handed over before a room key was handed back. Room 324. He smiled before calling Jax. The VP told him to tell Happy and then Tig and then hop in the van and head towards that hotel. Juice ran to get the van keys and hopped inside. This was, hopefully, the break they'd been waiting for.


"Now, where were we? Oh yes, I was reminding you of how worthless you really are." He stated before hitting her in her stomach making her try to squinch together as she groaned.

He had already taken all but her underwear off leaving her exposed in more ways than one. She watched as he grabbed his leather belt, folded it in half, and began hitting her legs with it. She squirmed to get away from the attacks but with being bound, she could only move an inch or two. Her wrists and ankles were being rubbed raw and it hurt like hell. Welts were beginning to form on her legs but he kept beating her anyways.

"Please Happy! Anyone!" she begged in her mind as she suddenly drifted off to a different place.

There was a nice, two story stone house. Large, manicured front lawn. Huge backyard that the loveable pitbulls enjoyed playing in. The door opened and she saw herself standing in just a long t-shirt awaiting someone to arrive. Suddenly the sound of a Harley could be heard and a wide smile spread across her face. He quickly shut off the bike and briskly walked to where she stood.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a deep, passionate kiss. One that always left her wanting more of him. She grabbed his hand and led him back into the house. He sat on the plushy cloth-covered couch where she straddled his lap. Slowly she slid his kutte down his arms and off him, tossing it onto the coffee table.

It had been several days since they'd seen one another since he had been out on a club run. She couldn't sleep well when he was gone. He ran his hands up her sides before pulling her back in for another searing kiss. "God I've missed you, baby." he mumbled into her neck making her smile. "I've missed you too, Happy."

"Bitch! Wake up!" She heard Evan exclaim as he slapped her face.

Her eyes popped open and she realized it had all been a dream. It made her sad but slightly optimistic too. Perhaps they were meant to be after all! Or it was her mind's way of keeping her sane during all this torture.

"Why are you mumbling about Happy? Think you've got some knight in shining armor coming to rescue you?" He laughed sadistically, "Let me tell you how that story ends, bitch. They don't. They'll never figure out where we are."

"You...are...wrong." She spat out.

Her body was weakened. She wasn't sure she'd be able to walk out of there on her own. She needed rest. She needed sustenance. She desperately needed water. Her mouth and throat were so dry she was sure she had tumble weeds sweeping through. He began hitting her again making her once more pass out.

A/N: How much more can she handle? Will the Sons find her in time?

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