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The women helped get them men settled back in the living room before cleaning up from breakfast. Happy couldn't help but watch Ambrosia as she flittered around the kitchen so expertly. He thought she'd make an excellent 'ol lady eventually. With a huff, he shook his head trying to rid himself of all these ridiculous thoughts. He didn't need a woman. He wasn't interested in getting into a relationship with anyone.

Once the kitchen was cleaned, the ladies went upstairs to change out of the pajamas into some regular clothes. Tig had wanted to sit at the dining table so Jezebel helped him to the table. His left leg was splinted as well as his left arm. He had several lacerations and his face was all bruised from the crash. She was heading back into the living room when he grabbed her arm. She smiled at him as she turned back towards him. He motioned for her to have a seat.

"What can I do for you, Tig?" She innocently questioned.

"How long have you ladies lived here?" He asked.

"Oh, we pulled our resources together about five years ago and bought this place. It's already paid off, thankfully so all we have is our regular bills." She replied wondering why he was asking such a question.

"Why are you three living together?" He stared at her face.

"Because we're close friends. As I said, we pulled our resources together to buy this place. Thought living on the fringe of the town would be nice. Close enough to town to be able to get whatever we needed but far enough away to have peace and quiet." She eyed him up, "What's with all the questions?"

"Just trying to get to know you ladies is all." He smiled at her, glancing down at her V-neck sweater.

"Uh huh." Jezebel raised her eyebrow at him not believing the story.

"How did you ladies meet? I mean, you're all from different places, right?" Tig questioned her making her raise her eyebrow at him once more.

"I had a two-bedroom apartment in town. Ambrosia had just moved here and was in need of a place to stay. I'd put in an ad in the paper looking for a roommate. We hit it off, had the same ideas about things, and she moved in." Jezebel explained, "Poor Lilac was on her way to LA when her car broke down. Was going to take a long time to get it fixed. Damn thing had major problems. She couldn't afford to stay in a hotel for an extended period of time. We met at a diner downtown and hit it off. She told us her story so I offered her my couch which she gladly took. Instead of heading to LA, she decided to stay here. Eventually we bought this place."


"Why's that interesting?" Jezebel questioned him.

"I just find it interesting how you three came together is all. I mean no offense." He laughed as he pulled a cigarette from the leather vest he'd been wearing.

"We don't allow smoking in the house. Sorry." She shrugged.

"Can we smoke on the front porch?" He asked.

"Might be better to smoke in the garage. Less cold out there." She laughed, "Come on, I'll help you get there."

She slid her arm around his back to help keep him steady. He draped his arm around her shoulders as he hobbled along. They stopped at the door to the garage where she opened it up. He found it was as neat and tidy as the rest of the house. There were three snowmobiles with sleds still attached to them. He wondered if that was how the women transported them from the crash site to the house. She helped him sit on the steps before he lit up.

"So tell me something. What does this vest mean? I see all four of you wearing it with all these different patches." Jezebel finally asked the question she'd been dying to ask.

"Uh, we're in a motorcycle club back in Charming called the Sons of Anarchy. We're part of the original charter for the club, we've got charters everywhere. I'm the Sergeant-At-Arms. Jax is the Vice President. Chibs is our resident medic since he was a medic in the British army. Happy is...Happy is just a member in the club." Tig delicately told her, looking at her sideways to gauge her reaction.

"Oh. Sounds...interesting." Jezebel replied, "None of us have ever been on a motorcycle before. (She chuckled) I heard they're very loud and go very fast."

"That they are." He laughed.

"What do the patches mean?" Jezebel suddenly questioned, curiosity burning in her eyes.

"Well, this one (He pointed to the Sergeant-At-Arms patch) lets everyone know who I am in the club. They see it and know what I do in the club. "Men of Mayhem", well, that means you commit "supreme violence." The Redwood Original means I'm part of the original charter." Tig explained making her gasp.

"Supreme violence?" She whispered.

"Yeah. I'm a violent person, Jezebel. Sometimes it's needed." He couldn't look at her and he was sure she was looking away from him.

It surprised him when she rested her hand on his right forearm, "That must be a hard job. In the club."

"It can be. You can't let it get to you. It's partly why I drink so heavily." He shrugged as he flicked ashes from his cigarette, "But being the SAA means I'm in charge of disciplining the members. I'm required to accompany the President wherever he goes. I'm basically the President's bodyguard." Tig went on to explain his SAA duties.

"That sounds like a lot to handle." Jezebel stated, looking up into his face.

"Eh. I handle it ok." He chuckled, "So, what do you ladies do for fun?"

"We'll play video games. Final Fantasy XIV is our favorite and we play together often. We'll play card or board games a lot too. Mexican Dominoes is one of our favorites too." Jezebel stated, "Sometimes we watch TV or just hole up in our room reading, doing Yoga, or getting some extra work done."

"Sounds fun." Tig laughed making her laugh too.

"Well it may not be as exciting as being in a motorcycle club but it's our peaceful little life." She smiled.

After he finished his second cigarette, she helped him to a standing position then led him back inside. Ambrosia raised her eyebrow when she helped Tig back into his recliner. The men were getting bored and antsy so Lilac suggested a fun game of Mexican Dominoes. None of the men had ever played it but Ambrosia said it was easy to learn and they'd be happy to teach them. With nothing better to do, they agreed. The women helped get them four men to the dining table before getting out everything they needed to play.

A/N: Think there might be a love connection for Tig and Jezebel? ;)

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