By her side

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"Has she woken up yet?" Happy asked when he strolled into Ambrosia's room.

"No. Doc said they were going to keep her sedated for another day. Let her mind heal from the trauma she went through." Gemma told him.

"Thanks for staying, Gemma." He quickly took the seat the matriarch had just vacated.

"No problem, Happy." She stated before leaving the hospital and head home.

Happy's behavior was unusual. It wasn't like him to stay at the hospital with some piece of tail. This woman meant more to him than just a lay. Somehow she'd gotten under his skin, had slashed through all his defenses. Happy had fallen hard for this woman. From what Clay had told her, Juice found nothing in her background of importance. None of their backgrounds. They were all upstanding citizens. Ambrosia was a paramedic who had been looking at nursing schools.

Jezebel was a free lance graphic artist while Lilac was a free lance web designer. Both women did very well for themselves and had a decent clientele which was getting bigger all the time. They did charity work, donated to help homeless families, and even worked at a soup kitchen every other week. They'd never gotten into any trouble with the law, not even a speeding ticket. The more Gemma found out, the more she began to wonder about these women.

Clearly, they weren't the "biker" type. They were squeaky clean. Could they truly handle the club's lifestyle? Could they handle the illegal shit the club did? The killing? The danger? She wasn't so sure! These women were pure to get involved with a group like the Sons of Anarchy!

She was sitting on one end of the couch while he was sitting on the other. He had her feet in his lap giving her a foot massage. It was the little things like this that he did for her that really made her fall in love with him. When they were home, it was just her and him. No club, no killer, nothing. They had their own little cocoon and his brothers knew unless it was a dire emergency, to never come to their home.

His foot massage quickly turned into him rubbing her calves. She giggled when he began to inch himself upwards. This was something else that she loved about him. They had an amazing sex life. Little, innocent things could spark something and they had to just go at it wherever they were at. In the bathroom. In the living room. In the kitchen. Out on the back patio. She loved it when he got aggressive with her. She never knew why it turned her on so but it did.

She felt heavy. As hard as she tried, she couldn't open her eyes. Hearing groaning from beside, him, Happy set up and stared at her face. She began shifting in her hospital bed some so he gave her hand a squeeze. Clay and Gemma stood outside and watched intensely. "She's going to be his 'ol lady someday!" Gemma stated making Clay laugh. "Happy will never take an 'ol lady!" Clay retorted earning a head shake from his wife. Gemma knew better. Any woman who got to Happy this much was damn near his 'ol lady already.

Tig was sitting in Jezebel's room just chatting with her about how she was feeling, what she should and shouldn't do after being shot, and what all the doctor's had told her thus far. She wanted to know how Ambrosia was so he reluctantly explained all they knew. Jezebel just nodded knowing her friend was going to need them more than ever.

"She's a strong woman. She left him once and made a life for herself. She can do it again." Jezebel stated making Tig smile.

"I'm sure she can. What about you? I know being shot had to be traumatic for you." Tig gave her hand another squeeze.

"I'll be alright. It wasn't anything too serious. I'm just itching to get out of her." She chuckled, "Hopefully today they'll let us out of this prison. I'm dying to see Am."

"She's still out, I think." Tig informed her.

"Probably for the best. She's going to freak out when she wakes up. Hopefully someone will be there for her since Lilac and I can't." Jezebel looked over at Tig who just smiled at her.

"Happy hasn't left her side since we dealt with Evan. He's not going anywhere." Tig told her.

"Oh." Jezebel stated, "That's good."


"Uh...please don't say anything. (Tig just nodded) She kinda has a thing for him. But she knows we don't belong in your world and is convinced he'll never see anything in her more than just being your saviors in Colorado." Jezebel confessed.

"Trust me, he's acting a bit squirrelly for him. I think he's got the hots for your friend. He insisted on being the one who took care of Evan. He said it was his responsibility." Tig told her.


Her reaction made Tig smile.

"We told you we'd handle him. And we did. He won't bother her again." Tig explained.

"I...I mean...we knew that you guys were violent people but... (Tig's heart began to sink thinking he'd pushed her away with his confession) ...I never dreamed you'd kill someone for my friend."

"What did you think we meant when we said we were going to take care of it?" His amused expression didn't help her mood.

"You could get into a lot of trouble for this! You didn't have to do this!" Jezebel's eyes filled with tears.

"Hey now! Don't cry. We've been to prison before. We made it out then. Besides, I don't think they can pin anything on us. We covered our tracks well. Don't worry about that, ok. Just worry about getting better." Tig told her

"I just...I'd never forgive myself if you guys went to jail because of us and her mess." Jezebel stated, not realizing Gemma was standing at the door listening in.

"Don't worry about it. We protect our own." He chuckled.

The doctor came in and went over Ambrosia's vitals. She was doing much better than expected so he decided to wean her off the drug that kept her out. She had started to come to on her own but it was difficult. As the drug left her body, she opened her eyes and found Happy sitting at the side of her bed, hand held tightly in his, smiling at her.

"Hey there. Glad to see you awake." He softly stated.

" came for me." She simply stated.

"Of course we did." He chuckled, "You didn't think we'd just let that bastard take off with you and not hunt him down?"

She just stared at his face. The sharp features. The cold, calculating eyes that belied the emotional man behind them. She knew he was a violent man but she was seeing a very tender, caring side to him too. She'd seen it back in Colorado as they would sit and just chat about anything and everything. He leaned over and kissed her forehead before stating he had to make a quick call and that he'd be right back.

Her forehead tingled from where his lips were. She watched as he stood right outside her door and made his call. She wondered how long he'd been here since it didn't look like he had gotten much rest for afew days. He wasn't on the phone long. He called Jax to let him know that Ambrosia had finally woken up and was talking. He asked for some time so he could be there with her which Jax quickly agreed to. They bid their goodbyes before Happy re-entered her room.

A/N: Please review and vote below!

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