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"Wakey, wakey baby doll!" She heard his sinister laugh.

She slowly opened her eyes to find herself bound on the bed. She couldn't get to her phone or squirm her way to the hotel's phone. Her head hurt and she felt something dripping down the side of her face. Then it all came back.

He was bringing her out of the trunk of the car and had her sitting on the edge. Hoping to make some sort of getaway, she head butted him as hard as she could in the face. She could already tell his nose would be pretty swollen and she smiled as she hopped down and tried hopping away. Before she knew what happened, something hit the side of her head and she dropped to the ground.

"I told you I was coming for you and that those pathetic bikers wouldn't be able to protect you. Don't you believe me now?" He smirked.

"They are going to kill you when they find us." She spouted off.

"Oh my dear, they aren't going to find us." He grinned.


Juice began trying to track who had texted Clay when he thought of something. He headed to her dorm room and didn't find her cell. With a huge grin, he raced back to his computer and began tracking her cell phone. He found it just outside of Lodi city limits. That was a good start! He started checking every motel and hotel to see who had checked in recently. Most didn't have security cameras which sucked for him.

As he was checking the motel and hotel guest registries, he began searching for out-of-state cars in California, concentrating on Lodi. There were a lot, he discovered, and it bummed him out. His search was now a lot harder to do to figure out the right person. He called his contact at the Charming PD to get help from the Lodi police station. He explained the situation and just wanted to know where she was being held.

His contact was less than enthused at helping knowing what the Sons were more than likely going to do to the creep when they found him. He promised he'd reach out to the Lodi police to see what help they could provide. Juice diligently went through each and every hotel and motel in Charming and Lodi hoping to get a break.


"Stupid little bitch! You never should have left me, Charlotte! Didn't I tell you what was going to happen to you if you did?" He accentuated each sentence with a punch to her face.

She spit in his face, "You might as well kill me because I won't go back with you!"

"Oh, you are. You are mine." He again punches her face with each sentence and once for spitting on him.


"Ugh. What happened?" Jezebel asked as her eyes began to flutter open.

"Jezebel!" Tig gave her hand a squeeze, "Doll, you were shot. You and Lilac. You're both fine. Neither bullet hit anything fatal. You're going to be sore for a while and you'll have to take it easy."

"Shot? What...what about Ambrosia?" Jezebel stared at Tig who just looked down, "Tig? Tell me the truth. Is Ambrosia alright?"

"He took her, Jez. I'm so sorry. We should have smelled a trap and we didn't. We promised we'd protect you all and we failed you miserably." Tig moved her hand to kiss it.

"What can you tell us about the incident." Unser stated from the doorway.

"Everyone left. Even Gemma. The three of us. We were sitting on the picnic table by the clubhouse. Sometime after Gemma left a black sedan pulled in. Ambrosia had a bad feeling and told us to head back into the clubhouse, into our dorm rooms.

We were about to when this loud popping went off. One of us screamed I think. Maybe all of us did. Then a second pop went off. Suddenly there was this intense pain. Felt like my whole body had been doused in gasoline and lit on fire. I don't...I don't know what happened after that." Jezebel fought the tears as she spoke.

"Thank you, Jezebel. This helps a lot." Unser gave her a small, reassuring smile.

"I'm so sorry, Doll. Someone should have stayed behind to protect you. I hope you can forgive us." Tig gave her hand another squeeze.

"Please. Just bring my friend back. Keep him from killing her." A few rogue tears slipped down her cheeks.

Tig quickly wiped them away as soon as they started rolling down her cheeks. Gemma stood outside and watched how tenderly Tig treated this woman. It was more than trying to get into her panties like usual. He felt something for her. She furrowed her brows and walked next door. Chibs and Bobby were sitting with Lilac who was just starting to wake up.

"Aye, darlin'! Welcome back!" Chibs smiled at her as she opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" She questioned.

"You're in the hospital, sweetie. You and Jezebel have both been shot." He looked over at Chibs, "And unfortunately Ambrosia's been taken. He got to you before we could make it back."

"He took her?!" Her eyes filled with tears.

"Aye, lassie. We're sorry." Chibs gave her hand a squeeze.

" promised." She was losing a battle with her tears.

"I know, sweetie. But we're pulling out all the stops to find them. We're callin' in favors and everything so we can find them quickly. We won't stop until we do." Bobby reassured her.

"Hey, I need to take her statement. What do you remember?" Unser asked as Gemma stood behind him.

"We were all alone just sitting out on the picnic table since it was so nice out. We were just chatting about this and that. Suddenly a black four door car pulled in. Ambrosia told us to go inside but before we could, there was a loud popping sound. I think I screamed as another loud popping sound was heard. All I remember after that is intense pain." Lilac explained.

"Thank you, sweetie. This has been a big help." Unser gave her a warm smile.

The Chief of police walked to where the rest of the bikers were sitting waiting to hear how they were doing.

"Well, their stories are the same. Everyone left leaving them alone. Sometime later, a black four door sedan pulls in, begins shooting. Neither women can confirm the kidnapping but that's most likely when it happened." Unser explained.

"We were set up!" Happy growled.

"It would seem so. Well, I've got some investigating to do. If you get any leads, please share them." Unser stated before leaving.

A/N: Do you think the Sons will find them before he takes off with Ambrosia again?

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