From ashes

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Two days later, and Jezebel was helping Ambrosia into the back of the SUV. Lilac was being hugged by Gemma who'd come out to say a temporary goodbye. Happy and Jax had come to. Happy just wanted to see Ambrosia. Before she was loaded into the SUV, he pulled her in for a tight but gentle hug. She cautiously hugged him back before he kissed her forehead and let her go. Gemma had hugged her too.

"Drive safe! Stop for the night when you get tired. Start fresh in the morning." Jax told the group.

"You got it, VP." Tig stated as he climbed onto his bike.

"Call when you reach the motel. Let us know when and where you stopped." Gemma added in.

Ambrosia looked over at Happy who just stood there silently. She gave a small smile and the tiniest of head nods. He returned both before hopping onto his bike. The small group headed out of Charming on their way to Deliverance. Tig and Chibs knew the route they were taking so Tig drove in front of the SUV while Chibs drove behind them. It made the girls shake their head but what could they do.

The nineteen hour drive was split into two days. They made as many pit stops as was necessary for the bikers. Once in Deliverance, Tig let the women drive in front of them. They headed straight to the police station to pick up the paperwork needed for them to get their insurance check. The next stop was to the insurance. It seemed to Ambrosia, who was having trouble breathing due to the fractured ribs, that they were reluctant to hand over such a large check.

She had all the necessary paperwork, however, so after they did their own paperwork, she was handed a check for one million, one hundred fifty thousand dollars. She could buy three houses in Charming with that money and still have some left over! Lilac wanted to see the remnants of their home so they drove out of town to see it. Each woman gasped when they pulled up into their drive.

It had truly been destroyed. Lilac and Ambrosia's vehicles. Their snowmobiles. The house. Their pictures. All turned to ash. They cautiously climbed out of the SUV as the men parked their bikes. Ambrosia was fighting tears as she stood there with her arms wrapped around herself. Tig draped his arm over Jezebel's shoulders.

"It's gone. It's really, truly, gone." Jezebel stuttered, "There's nothing left but ash."

"I'm sorry, Doll." He kissed her temple.

"Lassie, how yeh doin'?" Chibs walked over and asked Ambrosia.

"This was our life. This was our home." She stated, "And he violated it. He walked through our home doing God-knows what before he burned my life to the ground."

"I'm sorry, Ambrosia." He stated.

"Come on, let's get that check deposited so they can start processing it." Tig suggested.

"Yeah. Yeah, we should get on that." Lilac sighed before turning and walking to her vehicle.

The two bikers followed the women to the bank. Naturally it was going to take a few weeks for the bank to process the check, for it to clear from the insurance company, and for the funds to be available. "I know. Thanks." Ambrosia stated before taking her deposit slip and slowly making her way outside where everyone was waiting for her.

"It's been deposited. Gonna take a few weeks for it to clear and all that shit." She sighed, "Guess it's back to Charming."

Chibs kissed her temple before climbing back onto his bike. They rode out the same way they'd rode in. Tig in front, the SUV in the middle, and Chibs at the rear. They stopped at the same motel as they had on their way in. Tig explained everything to his VP before quickly getting off the phone. Jax relayed what Tig had told him to the others. Bobby felt bad for all three. They didn't have much with them when they arrived and had lost everything in the fire. It had to be rough on them.

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