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"What is this place?" She asked as he helped her out of the passenger seat.

"It's a house." He chuckled.

"It's so beautiful." She commented as he walked her to the front door.

She watched as he grabbed some keys from his jeans pocket then opened the door. He gave her the "grand tour" as Jane had done him the previous day. She gasped several times as they slowly walked through the house. The kitchen was huge with a nice island in it. He watched her face as she took everything in. 'This place is fucking amazing!' she thought as her eyes darted here and there checking everything out.

"Come upstairs. There's two more bedrooms and a library." He grabbed her hand and led her to the stairs.

Each of the upstairs bedrooms had its own bathroom. Not as huge as the master but they were respectable and very tasteful. Just the kind of place the trio of women would feel home in. She hadn't noticed he had not yet let go of her hand as he walked her around the upstairs. It made his heart beat just a bit faster at the contact. Like each time he kissed her forehead and she didn't push him away. After checking the upstairs out thoroughly, he led her back downstairs to the kitchen.

"Well, what do you think?" He asked bringing a smile to her face.

"This house is perfect!" She exclaimed, flinging herself into his arms, despite the pain, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him on the lips.

She hadn't realized what she'd done until they pulled away. He wrapped his left arm around her waist and rested his right hand on the back of her head. He pulled her in for a much more passionate kiss this time. No quick peck on the lips. It surprised her how passionate he could be. How soft his lips actually were. What shocked her the most was how much she was enjoying this. They finally pulled away and he stared at her.

"I'm...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..." She started.

"Have what? I've wanted to do that since the day we met." He all but whispered, still holding her close to him.

"Happy?" She titled her head to the side.

"You have no idea how much you've gotten under my skin. You're all I can think about. I went crazy when you were kidnapped. I broke a promise to you about keeping you safe but I swear I'll spend the rest of my life making that up to you." He stated, still staring into her eyes, "All you have to do is sign the papers and this house is yours. It's well below your budget too. Safe neighborhood."

"You really went house-hunting for me? Why?"

"Because. I wanted to show you that...that I care. I asked you to move here and I wanted you to have a place quickly so you didn't have to stay at the clubhouse with us." He glanced down at her lips, "I wanted you to know that I can take care of you. That I will protect you. That I...that I care for you."

"I...Happy...I don't know much about MC's or the lifestyle you live. I know I don't belong in your world..." She trailed watching him glance at her lips every so often, "...but..."

He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers once more. She didn't fight it. She let herself succumb to the feelings she'd been suppressing for months. He was very careful with her knowing she still had fractured ribs and deep muscle bruising everywhere. Despite how badly he wanted her, he settled for the passionate kisses they were sharing in that moment.

They pulled apart, him still holding her close, "What do you say? Want this to be your new home? Your fresh start?"

"I love this place. It's so beautiful." Her eyes began to fill with tears, "Thank you so much for finding it. I'm sure you could have been doing other things with your time other than house-hunting for us."

"It's my pleasure, Ambrosia. I just...I just want to make you happy." He whispered the last sentence.

"You did." She stared up at him, "Will you be coming by? To check on us?"

"Every day."

"Well, you're always welcome at our house. We'll even cook for you." She chuckled making him grin back.

"Keep making offers like that and I'll never leave." He stated.

"Maybe...maybe I don't want you to." She whispered this time.

"Maybe you be my girl?" He looked between her eyes and her lips.

"Maybe I say yes." She stated before pulling him down for another searing kiss.

Once they pulled away, he let her go explaining she still had paperwork she needed to fill out to make this legally her home. They stood at the island where the paperwork was as she filled out everything she needed to. He promised to get the papers back to Gemma who'd get them to the realtor. She thanked him again for finding the amazing house making him smile at her then kiss her forehead.

While Happy was showing Ambrosia the house "he" had found for them, Tig was asking Jezebel how their trip was. It made him sad to hear how sad they were when talking about what was left of their home. He rested his hand on top of hers and gave it a light squeeze. She smiled back, smile not reaching her eyes like it usually did, as she looked over at Tig.

"So, what are you ladies going to do now?" He asked her.

"Wait for the insurance check to clear I guess. Then go house-hunting." She shrugged.

"So, you're really going to stay in Charming? Try and make a go of it here?" He stated making her look over at him.

He wouldn't look at her and he was playing with his beer bottle. 'Why is he suddenly so nervous?' she thought to herself.

"Well, Lilac and I can literally work from anywhere. It shouldn't be too difficult, I hope, for Am to get a job since she is a licensed paramedic." Jez replied earning a silent head nod, "We took a vote. Try to rebuild our life in Deliverance or strike out for something unknown and new. Am was on the fence but me and Lilac were all on board for trying to rebuild our life elsewhere."

"Why?" He asked.

"Why what?" She furrowed her brows.

"Why did you vote for something unknown?" Tig finally looked over at her.

She took a deep breath, "Maybe I met someone I like."

His breath hitched for a brief moment.

"Maybe someone likes you too." Tig countered.

"Maybe he should try and be less subtle about things. I don't do subtle very well." She chuckled nervously.

"Maybe I want to take you out for a ride sometime. Get away from the club for a bit." Tig squeezed her hand again.

"Maybe I'd like that a lot." She smiled at him.

This time it reached her eyes. There was no oneelse in the clubhouse as they sat there staring at one another. He couldn'ttake it anymore and cupped her right cheek in his left hand. She could barely processwhat was happening as he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. It was muchgentler than she had anticipated. Soft and caring. She had to smile into theirkiss before pulling him in for a much deeper kiss. It wasn't clear which onemoaned into it as they sat there just kissing.

A/N: Well, it seems the boys have finally made a move! How do you think Lilac and Jezebel will take to the new house?

Please review and vote below!

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