Sweet Goodnights

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It took her off guard. Did he mean he like, liked her? As in, wanting to date her liked her? Or liked her because she was funny and he wanted to be friends like her? She stared into his eyes and almost wanted to know what he was thinking about. Tig Trager had always been about three things: getting paid, getting laid, and protecting the club. Staring into Jezebel's eyes, he began to want more. Something substantial. Something real. More than some one-night stand with a whore.

It was more than a physical attraction to Jezebel he was feeling and it took him off guard. He didn't get like this. He didn't let tail get into his head or his heart. He tried marriage once and it was a huge failure. She left him and took their twin girls with her leaving him broken and angry. The soft, gentle woman sitting before him was looking at him the same way his ex-wife once looked at him. He wanted to kiss her. To actually kiss her and not some peck on the cheek or forehead.

"Tig?" Jezebel asked.

"Hmm? Sorry. Want another drink?" He asked, not giving a reason for his sudden staring.

"A drink would be nice." She smiled at him making his heart skip a beat.

"I'm gonna head back to my room, see ya in the morning." Lilac stated before the two women hugged goodnight.

"Let's head outside." Happy suddenly stated making her look at him curiously, "It's quieter out there."

She nodded and stood up. He kept his hand in the middle of her lower back as he walked them outside. Every single one of his brothers knew she was off-limits just from the way Happy was acting. Clay thought he was just working to get some tail but Gemma knew differently. None of the boys had to work to get tail. If they simply wanted pussy, there were tons of girls there that would happily oblige.

"I'm sorry one of the guys hit you. It was uncalled for. Tig and I will deal with him later." Happy stated as soon as they sat at the top of the picnic tables by the automotive office.

"It's ok." She told him.

"No, it's not. We don't hit women. We take offense to that kind of behavior. The guys know the consequences to doing shit like that." Happy told her.

"What are you gonna do?" She tentatively asked him.

"Well, since this is his first offense, probably just beat his ass in the boxing ring." Happy shrugged.

"Oh. Ok. That doesn't sound too bad." She chuckled nervously.

"You know we're going to protect you, right? I'm not going to let any harm come to you if I possibly can." He suddenly stated.

"I know. I just want it to be over so I can go pick up the pieces of my life and really move on." She sighed.

"Where will you go now?" He looked over to the still-raging party.

"Don't know. We'll have to talk about it. See if we want to find another house there in Deliverance or if we want to strike out for somewhere new."

"I see." He quietly said, "You should move to Charming."

He said it so quietly she thought she misheard him. Looking over at him, she found him staring at the party. He wanted her to move to Charming? Why? What was so special about her?


"I, uh, I said you should move to Charming. It's a nice place." He shrugged as Gemma walked out of the clubhouse and began looking around.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea." Ambrosia stated, "Besides, I'd have to talk to the girls about it. What our next move is, is a group decision. They lost money on that house too and we still want to live together."

"I get it. But there's a lot of good things here. It's a quiet little town. We try to keep drug dealing out of it, keep it quiet and safe. You'll have us if you ever want to come hang out with us." He tried reasoning.

Gemma found Happy and Ambrosia sitting on the picnic table near her office. They were just talking. She wondered what they were talking about. Happy didn't talk much least of all to a woman. Yet he was having a lengthy discussion with this one. Tig had been sitting at the bar with her friend just chatting as well. Something was up with these two men and it bothered her greatly. They weren't acting like their normal selves.

Around midnight, she began yawning. He chuckled and said they should get her to her room before one of the guys takes some whore into it. She laughed too as he led her back into the clubhouse. His hand was firmly in the lower middle of her back as they walked to the dorms. She received several glaring looks from the whores that hung around but she held her head high and kept walking. They stopped at her door.

"Goodnight, Happy. Thanks for coming to my rescue. Not sure what I would've done without your intervention." She looked up at his much taller frame.

"Don't worry about it. I'm gonna go teach him a lesson. You try to get some actual rest, ok?" He told her.

"Ok. A nice hot shower sounds really good right now. Should settle me down enough to get to sleep fairly quickly." She told him.

He liked the idea of her being naked and wet. He just wished he could see it. Those long, beautiful tresses falling all around them, cocooning them the soft red hair. She smiled at him as she opened the door then backed in. He gave a small smile as he watched her shut her door. His next move was to get the man who had hit his angelic Ambrosia into the ring. He told Tig what he was up to making Tig nod.

"What's going on?" Jezebel inquired as she slid off her stool and followed Tig.

"Hap's gonna get the guy who hit your friend into the boxing ring to teach him a lesson about hitting women." Tig explained as they stopped by Clay.

Tig told his Prez what was happening making the white-haired man nod. Happy once more had the guy by his shirt collar. He looked a bit frightened but was trying to play it cool. The SAA grabbed Jezebel by her arm and drug her along to the boxing ring so she could watch the fight with him. She'd never witnessed such violence before so this was totally new for her. Some sweet-butt took Happy's kutte, shirt, and rings before he stepped into the ring.

Gemma walked over to watch Jezebel's reaction to how they dealt with problems. Her eyes were glued to the ring, wincing every so often when the kid would get a hit in on Happy. The Tacoma Killah was much more experienced and dominated the match. The kid was exhausted and barely able to keep his arms up to protect his face. Before Happy could do any more damage, Clay told Bobby to break it up. Jezebel heard what Happy told the kid before they pulled apart.

"You ever touch her again in any way, you ever talk to her again, you'll be dealing with me and it won't be in a boxing ring." Her eyes widened at the threat being made. Gemma smirked knowing these girls couldn't handle this lifestyle. Tig figured it had been an eventful enough day and that Jezebel should head off to bed before anything else happened. She laughed and said that was a very good idea.

He walked her to her dorm room, leaned against the door frame as they stood there in silence. She thanked him for checking on her friend and told him to tell Happy thanks for taking care of the guy for them. He just smiled at her earning a smile back. She quickly looked at his lips then looked down. He would never see her like that. They were from two different worlds.

"Goodnight, Tig." She quietly stated.

"Night Jezebel." Tig replied, "Try to get some rest."

She smiled at him again, once more making his heart stop briefly, before she shut the door. He sighed, wishing he'd taken the opportunity to lean down and kiss her. He needed liquor and he needed it five minutes ago! He headed to the bar to grab a bottle of Jack then found a seat with Happy who was shooing away all the whores. All he wanted was to forget she was too good for him, how she made him feel, and what he wanted to do to her.

A/N: Think Tig & Happy will ever make a move?

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