Long talks

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Ambrosia sat down with Happy and Bobby after being handed a bottle of water by the prospect. It had been a long morning! Happy had questions but didn't know if now was an appropriate time to ask them or not. He wanted to know so much about her! She was so caring, so gentle, so willing to help. He sighed knowing she'd never go for a man like him. Ruthless, a killer, a man who has no problem torturing others. Hearing Happy sigh made her turn to his direction.

Bobby watched how Ambrosia immediately reacted to the Tacoma Killah and wondered if there was an attraction there. Happy never did relationships and he knew this sweet woman was only going to get her heart broken. He wasn't sure he could watch that happen. There would have to be a little discussion later on about Ambrosia. Lilac and Jezebel were siting at the bar with Chibs, Tig, and Ratboy. The group were talking over what they had planned to do once the investigation into the house fire was over.

"Hey, Ambrosia? (He waited for her to look over at him) What do you ladies think you're going to do after the house fire investigation?" Bobby inquired making Happy glance over at her.

"Hopefully we'll have an insurance check. I guess we'll look for another residence." She shrugged.

"You gonna stay in Colorado?" Bobby asked.

"Well, that's where my job is. It's where our lives are." She chuckled, "But I don't know. After all this, a change of scenery may be what we need. (She shrugged again) I'll have to talk to them and see what they want to do."

"I see. Well, I'm very sorry to know you ladies lost everything. That wasn't right." Bobby took a swig of his beer.

"He thinks that if I have no residence, it'll be easier to make me come back to him. What he doesn't know is I'd rather be dead than ever go back to his sorry ass." Ambrosia hissed, fiery temper slipping out making Happy give a slight smile.

Bobby watched how Happy interacted with Ambrosia carefully. It was confusing behavior for the killer.

"So, I was told you're the resident baker around here." She stated, "Will we get a sample of your skills while we're here?"

"Sure, sweetie! I can bring in some fresh banana nut muffins tomorrow!" He smiled at her making her eyes twinkle.

"Really? Those are my favorites!" She beamed making Bobby chuckle at her enthusiasm.

Clay called all his mechanics to get back to work so Bobby bid the pair a goodbye. It just left Ambrosia and Happy sitting together. Lilac and Jezebel headed back off to their dorm rooms. A comfortable silence fell over the table as they stared out into the garage watching the bikers work on various vehicles. She almost didn't hear him. Whipping around to stare at the man sitting man beside her, he just stared back before speaking again.

"Can I do anything for you ladies?"

Her shocked stare must have amused him because he just smiled at her.

"Uh, I'd have to go back and see what all we need to do. I know we gotta file with the insurance but I don't think we can do that until the investigation is over." She looked into his dark eyes.

"Let me know if there is."

She smiled almost shyly, "I will. And thanks."

"How have you been holding up?" He asked, voice deep and oddly soft.

"I cried myself to sleep last night until the phone call came in that my house had been burned down. Then all I did was toss and turn until I gave up on sleep at six am." She sighed, "Telling them our beautiful home was gone was the hardest. We lost everything, Happy! Everything! The rest of our clothes! Memorabilia, pictures, everything!"

"I know. Was there anything of monetary value he might've taken?" Happy inquired.

"No. It was all sentimental stuff. Anything he could've stolen wouldn't have gotten him much money. But all of our pictures! That's what kills me the most." She looked down at her bottle.

"I'm really sorry you're going through this." He told her.

"He said he'd see me soon when he called. He's planning on coming here. Thinks you guys can't keep me from him." She confessed, "And I think he might be right."

"As long as you stay on these premises, he can't touch you. I promise you." Happy told her, "We'll protect you."

"I'm glad someone is more confident in this than I am." She huffed making him smile at her.

There was that fiery attitude. He had to shake himself of these thoughts that were plaguing his mind. Thoughts of wanting to take her pain away. Of making her happy again. Of begging her to move to Charming so they could continue to see one another. They weren't even together! He didn't do relationships. They made you weak and gave something for someone to exploit. He didn't need that kind of shit in his life. The whores that hung around the clubhouse were enough for him.

Then why did hearing her laugh make him smile and his heart beat just a little faster? Why did he like having all of her attention so much? Clay was sitting in the office with Gemma. He didn't like how things were happening. First these three women show up on their doorstep with trouble that didn't involve the Sons. Then the one jumps into helping patch up the Tacoma boys without being asked. Tara could have handled it. He was beyond suspicious of these women.

"I've been keeping an eye on them, Clay. Relax." She told her husband, "They don't do anything without me knowing about it."

"It's just too coincidental how things have been happening around here. They show up with a sob story and we have to protect them? What if the one did something to that guy?" Clay shouted angrily making his wife raise her eyebrow at him.

"I agree it's suspicious but until we have solid proof, we just need to sit back and keep an eye on them." Gemma explained making him huff before lighting up a cigar.

"They know we're going to kill this guy. That's leverage on us, Gem. What exactly do we know about them? NOTHING!" Clay yelled again.

"Stop yelling at me." Gemma commanded.

"Jax is pulling something. I know it." Clay finally confided.

"No he's not. He's just helping out a desperate woman." Gemma retorted with an eyeroll.

"I'm going to have Juice dig further into their backgrounds. There has to be something going on." Clay let out a puff of smoke before kissing his wife's cheek and heading into the clubhouse.

He found Juice at his usual spot on his computer. He spoke so no one else could hear him and asked him to dig into the three women's backgrounds. He wanted to know absolutely everything about them. Juice just nodded but hated doing it. He'd come to like the trio and felt dirty digging around trying to find dirt on them. At lunch time, Gemma went to ask the women if they'd like to go to lunch. Ambrosia reluctantly agreed.

They rode with Gemma to the local diner and slid into a booth. The tension was high and it made Ambrosia uncomfortable. All she wanted was to get her ex to leave her alone. Then she could pick up the pieces of her life and try to finally move on like she thought she had. They placed their orders before Gemma finally began asking questions.

"So, it's my understanding you helped the boys after the plane crash in that blizzard." Gemma stated.

"Yeah. We couldn't in good conscious leave any survivors out there to perish because rescuers wouldn't be able to get to them in time." Lilac forced a smile.

"So, you think the club owes you something?" Gemma looked around at all three.

"Say what?!" Ambrosia stated, staring at the woman sitting across from her.

"You did them a favor and now we're doing you a favor by getting rid of your ex." Gemma folded her hands on the table in front of her.

"Now you listen here. We came here because my ex wasn't just taking photos of us. It was them too. They're in as much danger as I am. If I didn't believe so, I wouldn't have come out here." Ambrosia stared deep into Gemma's eyes as she spoke, "You lot don't owe me shit. And once this is all over, I'm heading home to pick up the pieces of what used to be my life. You'll never see my happy ass again. Got it?"

A/N: Well, how do you think this little show down is going to end?
Please review and vote below!

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