Mine part 2

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Some drunk blond biker strolled up to the bar wanting another drink. The prospect quickly got it ready for him while he turned towards Jezebel. He smirked and tried to get a peek down her top. She squirmed in her seat as Tig had turned his back to talk to someone else for a minute. The guy began hitting on her but she was having none of it. He grabbed her by the wrist and tried to drag her off her seat.

"Leave me alone, you creep! I'm not interested!" She exclaimed making Tig immediately turn around.

"Leave the lady alone." Tig huffed.

"Or what, old man?" The blond kid laughed.

"Or I'll beat your ass for messin' with my woman." Tig responded making the prospect back up some.

"She's just your woman for the night. These whores don't care who they're with as long as they got a kutte on!" The blond laughed making Jez frown.

With one swift motion, Tig balled his fist and connected with the blonde's face. He stumbled backwards, hitting Quinn as he was walking by.

"Watch it, punk." Quinn stated before walking to the couch.

The blond balled his fist in retaliation and swung at Tig who dodged out of the way.

"IN THE RING, BOYS!" Clay shouted as Gemma smirked.

Both the boys were smitten and were actually getting into fights over their ladies. Tig shoved the kid towards the ring with Jezebel quickly following. She turned back to see Lilac following her. Ambrosia and Happy were still sitting on the picnic table talking quietly together. Tig took his kutte off and handed it to Jez making several of the crow-eaters pout. He slipped his shirt over his head and handed it to her as well. His rings were next before he slipped into the ring itself.

The blond tried to lunge at Tig but he side-stepped out of the way. Tig was much more sober than the blond was. As he lunged again, Tig's fist collided with his face knocking him backwards. "Show him who's boss, Tigger!" Gemma shouted a few feet away from the ladies as she stood next to her husband. Jezebel just watched as her...boyfriend?... partner was beating this blond kid's ass. It was painful to watch but kind of exciting too. He was doing this to defend her. It was an oddly comforting gesture. Especially after the conversation they'd had earlier.

"She (punch)...Is (punch)...My (punch)...Woman (punch)!" Tig stated, accentuated each word with a punch to the kid's face.

Jezebel watched as the blond got in a few good blows to her boyfriend. Tig dodged some, took some, and gave some hellacious punches and kicks in return. Lilac went to go find Chibs so he could get his medical kit to patch up Tig after the fight. The Scotsman shook his head with a soft smile. "See, Tig will take an 'ol lady too. Just watch!" Gemma leaned over and told her husband making him shake his head. If he didn't see these fights with his own eyes, he never would have believed it.

Clay eventually had Bobby break the fight up. Tig was bloody and bruised. His knuckles all scraped to hell. Jezebel threw herself into his arms when he came out of the ring. Gemma watched with a knowing smile. 'Maybe these ladies will incorporate into our lifestyle after all!' she smirked before walking off. Jezebel and Tig stood there kissing for a minute before he got redressed. Once they made it back into the clubhouse, Chibs was waiting at the bar with his med kit and Lilac. She winked at her friend before excusing herself to head back to her dorm.

"Thanks, Chibs." Jezebel said.

"No problems, lassie!" He smiled at her.

"So, when are you going to move into that beautiful house of yours?" Happy asked her.

"As soon as we can get some furniture!" She laughed making him smile at her, "Are you ok? After that fight, I mean. Your knuckles are pretty messed up."

"Babe, I'm fine. Fighting hurts. (They both laughed) I will always defend you. That guy had no reason to put his hands on you or to pick you up. He's lucky I didn't kill him for hurting you." Happy told her making her lean her head on his shoulder.

"No need to kill anyone else because of me." She quietly told him.

"If people are messin' with my woman, they deserve their ass kicked. If someone hurts my lady, they deserve to die." He stated in that rough, gravelly voice she loved so much.

"Deep down, there's really a soft, kind, sweet side to you, Happy." She quietly stated.

They sat quietly not speaking for a few minutes. Her head was still resting on his shoulder and he had slipped his arm around her waist, resting on her hip.

"Do you know of any places we can shop for house stuff? I want to move in quickly so we're not in your hair so much." Ambrosia broke the silence.

"Ask Gemma to take you around tomorrow. She knows all the best places to shop." He chuckled as some of his brothers came out to smoke.

Everyone avoided the table where Happy and his lady sat to give them some space.

"We can help you move stuff into your house once you have it." Happy stated.

"Nah, I'll just hire the furniture place to do it all. I don't want to be a bother to you guys." She replied, "Besides, this will give them some exercise."

He kissed her forehead, "If you're sure, Ambrosia."

"Have I thanked you for finding that house for me? Because I seriously love it." She stated.

"You have. And you're more than welcome. Anything for my lady." He stated before kissing her forehead again.

"New flock of crow-eaters, huh?" Some slutty blond came stumbling out of the clubhouse and walked up to Ambrosia and Happy, "I've seen two more of these conservative bitches in the clubhouse tonight. Good luck, honey. They like to see tits and leg."

"Who is this...person?" Ambrosia inquired as she looked the girl up and down.

"Just a crow-eater. No one important." Happy replied with a sigh.

"What's that?" Ambrosia asked.

"The boys want company, they come to us." The blond sneered.

"Then does it look like Happy's wanting for company?" Ambrosia stated making Happy smirk.

"He could have a lot more fun with someone who wasn't some stuck up bitch like you!" The blond stated making Ambrosia raise her eyebrow.

"You're calling me names? A person who'll sleep with anything with a dick? That's rich." Ambrosia stated as several of the bikers gathered around, "Go home, little girl. Or go find some dick to hang off of and leave Happy alone."

"Or what?" The slutty blond moved closer and rested her forearm on his shoulder.

He quickly shrugged her off.

"I'm in no condition to fight. But I bet if I call for my two best friends, they'll come and make sure you leave my man alone." Ambrosia calmly told her.

The blond huffed before walking over and trying to push Ambrosia off the picnic table. Jax immediately rushed over, grabbed her by the waist, and moved her away from Ambrosia and Happy. The blond biker told her to get lost while Happy was checking over his woman. "I'm sorry you've been attacked twice tonight. This doesn't normally happen." he sighed. She leaned up to kiss his cheek, with several of his brothers watching, and told him it wasn't his fault.

A/N: Please review and vote below!

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