chapter 1: Morning

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Hi everyone i just wanted to say thanks for reading my story and this is my first story so please be nice but also if you have an idea or something you think i could do better please feel free to comment!! 

Y/n's pov

beep beep beep 6:00am Spencer and I groan as we sit up and start to get out of bed and get ready for the day. 

"Good morning princess" Spencer says as he smiles at me

 "Morning" I say in the middle of a yawn

 Spencer was always a morning person, but me not so much. As I got ready I realized Spencer seemed nervous and distracted. 

"You okay Spence?" I ask 

"Yeah I'm just tired" Spencer said 

 That was a valid answer seeing as we just got back from a very tiring case. A woman was killing families with two children between the ages of 3-6 because she lost her kids not long ago. I could never understand how someone could do that to a family, especially the children. 

Little did I know that case was the last thing on Spencers mind. He had stayed up until 3 am last night thinking about tomorrow, our 6 month anniversary together. Spencer wanted to make it extra special since it was our first anniversary. He stayed up all night to make sure everything was perfect, he wanted to make sure he had a dozen of my favorite flowers,  my favorite food, and my favorite wine. He had called Emily to see if she could have me over at her place tonight so he could get the appartment ready for me. 

After me and Spencer got ready I ate a quick breakfast and walked to my car. Everyone at the BAU knew that me and Spencer were together,  we had decided to tell them after a month even though they probably knew before we told them, being profilers and all. Spencer and I drove into work together everyday except for the few days I had a girls night with Emily, JJ, and Peneolple or Spencer had a boys night with Derek, Aaron, and sometimes Rossi. 

I arrive at the BAU at 6:55 I'm five mintues early so Spencer and I walk to our favorite coffee shop. I order an iced caramel coffee and I turn to look at Spencer so he can order but he seems lost in his thoughts.

"Spencer" I say slightly nudging him

He doesnt move, but I know his order by heart 

"He'll have a large hot coffee" 

I go to move so the next person can order but Spencer doesnt move

"Spence?" he doesnt reply 

"Spencer!" I say much louder

"Hm" he says realizing hes holding up the line and has just zoned out

"Sorry" he says moving out of the way

"Spence are you sure youre okay?" I ask, putting my hand on his shoulder 

"Yeah im just thinking about a new book I read last night" he says 

Something seems off about Spencer today, he does zone out thinking a lot but not like that

As if he could read my mind he says

"Y/n really im okay" he says putting his hand on my face before leaning in and kissing me softly

I smile tyring to convince Spencer that I believe him, even though I don't entirely believe him. As I'm trying to think of what could possibly be wrong I heard a barista call my name holding Spencers drink and my drink. Spencer and I grab our drinks at the same time. Spencer moving over to the table holding the sugar pouring way too much in his coffee, I laugh as he does. That causes Spencer to smile and let out a small laugh of his own. I had no idea why but for some reason Spencer loved my laugh and he told me that every chance he got.

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