Chapter 12: Luna Marie Reid

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2 hours later 

(It's still Spencers pov)

Y/n has been in surgery for 2 hours. They haven't been out to give us an update. Emily and I have been crying our eyes out since she went into surgery, while everyone else tried to keep calm. I looked to see a doctor coming out.


All of us stood up

"Y-yes" I spoke trying to not break down

"I-is she a-alive?"

"Yes she's in bad condition but she's alive. She's going to need to stay for a least a few days."

I was relieved but then I knew I had to ask the question.

"I-is um is our b-b-baby okay?" I said my voice breaking at the end as tears form in my eyes

"I'm so sorry but she lost the baby"

"Oh god" I sobbed

"No no no no!" I started yelling

I couldn't hold myself up anymore and I fell.

I could hear Emily cry. She knew how badly Y/n wanted this baby. 

Derek came up behind me and went on his knees.

"Spencer" he says sadly 

"I-I I can't believe my babys gone!" I was still yelling while I was sobbing. I couldn't help it.

"Let me help you up" 

Derek helped me up and gave me a hug.

"It's gonna be okay pretty boy"

"I just can't believe it Derek she's gone"

"I know Spencer I'm so sorry"

I thought of Y/n and how she's gonna take the news

"What's gonna happen to Y/n" I whisper 

"What do you mean?" he pulls me out of the hug and brings me to a chair so we can sit down

"She wanted this baby so badly Derek. I know she was unsure at first but she wanted this baby more than me I think. I don't even know all of what she went through. Derek she was all alone with that woman for five days! Y/n is not going to be able to live with herself after she finds out!"

"She'll be okay Spencer, you both will"

The doctor walks back over.

"Y/n is going to start waking up soon. Do you want me to take you to her room?"

"Y-yes please"

"Can I come?" Emily asks as tears fall from her eyes

"Of course" 

He walks us to room 178, Y/ns room. I couldn't help but put my hand over my mouth when I walked in. Tears streamed down my face. Y/n had been beaten so badly. I have no idea how I'm supposed to tell her our baby is gone. Luna Marie Reid is gone. I still can't believe it. 

"Would you like me to tell her?" the doctor asked me

"No it's okay I can do it" I said with tears still falling

"Are you sure?" he asks trying to be kind

"Yes I'm sure." I sounded mad but I just needed this to be a dream. I needed to wake up.

Y/n started waking up

"JUST DO IT ALREADY" she screamed as she started throwing her hands in the air

He's in Love with a Killer (Spencer reid x reader)Where stories live. Discover now