Chapter 11: Kidnapped

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When I wake up I can't see anything. I try to move and I realize I'm tied to a chair. I start screaming and trying to get out. 


then she walks in.

Spencers pov

10 hours earlier

Y/n has been taking a while so I thought I would go check on her. I saw her walk behind the building with an officer. I walked behind the building and I didn't see her. She might've gotten hurt I started thinking. I decided to call Hotch to see if he'd heard from her.


"Hey Hotch have you heard from Y/n?"

"No I haven't, is something wrong?" 

"She went to go to the bathroom over 20 mintues ago and I haven't seen her since, and I went over to were I saw her and the officer who was showing her where the bathroom was and she wasn't there and there's not even a bathroom over there."

"Okay are you sure she didn't just get lost?"

"I'm sure Hotch something happened and now that I think about it I haven't seen the officer since either."

"Do you think she could be our unsub?" I ask my voice broke as I spoke

"Possibly, who was it?"

"Officer.." I had to think for a moment 


"Officer Chalmers" I said a little loud

"It was Officer Chalmers Hotch!"

"I'll have Garcia look into it"

"And Reid"

"Yea Hotch?"

"She'll be okay"

"I hope so" I say holding back tears 

"Come back to the station"

"Got it"

I hung up and headed back to the station. Trying to stop my thoughts from going over the torture that these women were put through, stabbed, beat up, beat with bats, hammers, anything the unsub could find I'm guessing, and so much more. I turned on the music, and Y/ns favorite song was playing. Those tears I was holding back fell. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I could lose the love of my life and my baby. 

Y/ns Pov 

It was the officer that was supposed to show me where the bathroom was.

"What do you want?!" I ask

"I want you dead" she says with a straight face


"You lost a baby didn't you?"

"THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS!" she screams as she slaps me across the face hard

"That feeling of losing the most important thing in the world drove you over the edge didn't it?"

"STOP" she yelling this time punching me in the face, I'm sure I'll have a black eye by the end of this

"And when you looked at other pregnant women you couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of jealousy and you just felt you had to kill them" 

This time she walked away, I thought I had won but she came back with a bat. She was screaming at me while she was sobbing and I couldn't make out what she was saying. The women holds the bat up, getting ready to hit me.

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