Chapter 14: Pretty Girl

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"Y/n?" Spencer says

"Y/n!" Spencer says again, louder this time

I slowly stop zoning out and look at him.

"What's going on princess?"


"Baby we need to be able to talk about this, to talk to each other"

"I-I can't Spence I've talked about it enough"

"We can't just stop talking about it" Spencer says looking sad

"I know b-but just not right now"

Spencer and I looked around the whole house looking for anything new. 

Ring ring


"It's Hotch did you find anything?"

"No whoever did this didn't want anyone to know who they are or why they did it"

"Okay thanks head back to the station"

I hung up

"He wants us back at the station"

We left and headed to the station. The car ride there was quiet. It was clear there was something he wanted to say but didn't want to or didn't know how to say it. When we got there Rossi came up to us.

"Y/n, Spencer I need you to interview the mothers sister and see if she knows anything"


We walked into the one of the offices seeing the mothers sister sitting there. 

"Hi I'm agent Y/n Y/l/n and this is Dr. Spencer Reid" I say smiling 

"H-hi" her voice is breaking

As soon as I got a good look at her my smile turned into a frown. She was holding a baby that looks no older than 2 months. I felt the same rage I did when I first saw her sister and her family. She needs too die.

The interview went okay. She was hysterical, unable to tell us anything other than she wasn't aware of any enemies her sister had. The rest of the day was spent talking about the profile of the killer. They hadn't even figured out it's a woman yet. How good of profilers can they be if they can't see the killers right here. I mean I'm grateful they don't know its me. I'm not doing this for attention or because I want to get caught. I'm doing this so I'm not the only one getting my future ripped away from me.

"Alright it's late you guys can head back to the hotel" Hotch said

I walked out of the station and saw everyone get into the black SUVs. Spencers eyes are on me. I am walking towards a bar, but no one needs to know that.

"Y/n where are you going?"

"Just for a walk" I lied

"Want company?"

"Not really, I'm sorry"

"It's okay I love you"

"I love you too"

I continue until a reach the closest bar. Standing outside the bar I thought about going in but I made my way to the house of sister of the victim. Standing outside the woman house I thought about it for a minute. I don't have to do this. I killed once if I never kill again they won't find out. It'll have been a one time thing. No, I have to do this. My happiness was ripped away from me. No one else deserves it if I don't. I risk my life every time I go out in the field to save people. I deserved my happy ending. The woman answered the door after I knocked a couple times. 

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