Chapter 15: It's a date

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"Was that Hotch on the phone earlier Spence?" I asked him

He just stood there in silence.

"What did he say?"

"He was uh h-he was j-just wondering where uh we were"

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him you weren't feeling well and he gave us the day off"

"I wanna go into work Spencer"

He looked suprised.

"W-why? Don't you have a headache? Aren't you tired Princess?" Spencer asked, very concerned

"Yes but I want to work"

"O-okay I'll um I'll call Hotch"

Spencers Pov

 I move into the bathroom to call Hotch. Y/n looked confused but didn't ask any questions.

"This is Hotchner"

"Hey Hotch it's Reid"

"How are you and Y/n doing?"

"I'm not sure honestly but she wants to come into work"

"Okay we just found out there's a new victim"

"Do you want us to go to the crime scene?"

"Do you think Y/n is ready?"

"I'm not sure I'm still worried about her but I think it's okay"

"Okay I'll have Garcia send you the address"

"Thanks Hotch"

I hung up. Y/n and I left the hotel and got into the last black SUV that was left. The ride there was silent. When we got there Y/n sat in the car for a minute before getting out.

Y/ns Pov

I sit in the car looking at the house I was at last night. I know I should feel guilty, but I don't. I'm happy that one less person gets their happy ending. 

Spencer's looking at me. I don't want him to think too much about it so I get out. We walk to the door and go in the house. 

"What do you think about this unsub?" I ask Spencer

"Well people who kill whole families are mostly men, but the way they're all shot once means the unsub doesn't want to make a mess and that leads to it possibly being a women. I have no idea how the single man is related to these murders."

Four days later

For the past few days we've been searching nonstop for the unsub. They of course found nothing. I was just trying to keep everybody thinking it was a man. As soon as everyone started thinking it was a woman, they would soon figure out that it was because of the baby and then they could start looking towards me. Lucky for me my team doesn't like to talk about things when people get hurt, Elle killing an unsub without them pulling a gun on her, Spencer getting addicted to dilaudid, Emily with Doyle, Hotch with Foyet, and so much more. 

Since the killings had seemed to had stopped Hotch thought it would be a good idea to go back to the BAU. 

3 hours later

We landed in Quantico, Virginia. We had a few days off, and I decided it would be a good idea to spend some time with Spence. 

"Hey Spence?" I ask while getting into the drivers seat of one of the SUVs 

"Yea Princess"

"Do you want to do something with our days off"

I turned on the car and started driving to the BAU.

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