Chapter 16: PVT23

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I wake up and decide to be productive and go to the coffee shop across from our house. When I get there I stand still for a moment, wondering if I actually see the people from the restaurant. I blink a couple of times and to my surprise they're still there. I know I can't react in case I do kill them, because we'll probably look at where they last were. 

The family left and shortly after I did too. I watched them get into their car and look at the license plate. PVT23. As soon as I got home I check to make sure Spencer was still asleep. He wasn't. 

"Spence?" I call out 


Pulling my personal computer that I bought with cash and couldn't be traced back to me, I found out where the family lived. I write a note so Spencer knows I'm going to be gone for a little.

Be back soon Spencie. I love you so much.

I'm going to be gone a little longer than he's probably going to think. I leave my phone at home and I use my friends car that she never uses. 

16 hours later

I arrive in Miami Florida, where the family is. 

I knock on the door per usual and wait for the mother Sophie to answer. And as they all do she opens the door. 

"My name is Y/n Y/l/n I'm with the FBI I would like to ask you and your husband a couple questions"

"Um h-hi what is this about?"

"Please just let me in ma'am"

She moves so I can come in. I do my normal routine. I tell them they don't deserve their baby and how I got my happy ending ripped away form me and now they should too. I know it's not fair. I know these are horrible, unspeakable acts, but I can't stop. I can't be the only one without a future. 

I did my thing. I killed the family and left.

I think about how disgusted I used to be by these crimes. I used to go on and on about how horrible these people are and how they all deserved to suffer. I never really thought too much about what the people go through before they come "cold hearted serial killers". I'm not cold hearted and I'm not a psychopath. I'm just a person who has been through a lot. I hate that I'm like this. Honestly I have started hating myself so much for doing this. But the anger is too much, it takes over. I can only imagine what Spencer would think if he found out. Oh god it would be horrible. He would never look at me the same. He'd probably break up with me too. 

As I'm overthinking a man talking pulls me out of my thoughts. 

"You alright there miss?"

"Fine thank you"

"Are you sure? I could help you out if you aren't feeling too good" the man says as he steps forward and puts his hand on my waist. 

Luckily for me my gun is on the other side.

"Oh you shouldn't have done that you dick" I say with a smirk knowing what's about to happen

"What are you gonna do about it sweetheart?" 

"This" I pull out my gun and shot him in the most painful spot

"AHH YOU BITCH" he screams but soon enough he's dead and I'm on my way home

The next day..

"So we have another murder by what I'm assuming to be the same unsub as our previous case." Garcia starts

"What happened?"

"This family" She starts clicking the remote to show the pictures of the bodies

"Sophie and Justin Myro and their baby Annuli were killed in their home yesterday morning all shot once in the head just like our unsub"

"Oh my god" Spencer says shocked

"What is it pretty boy?" Derek asks

"I- me and Y/n just saw them at dinner two nights ago"

Everyone looked at us. 

"Oh wow we did"  I say pretending to be shocked

After we finished going over the cause Spencer pulls me to the side and asks if I'm okay. 

"Yea I'm fine"

"Are you sure Princess because you seemed pretty upset about seeing them the other day"

"Spencer I'm fine"

"Baby you're not fine. You act like you're fine until something upsets you and you come crying to me" Spencer says in a kind voice 

I know he's only trying to help but I can't deal with this.

"Spencer I am fine I don't know how many times I have to tell you!" I say, raising my voice

"Baby you're not!" Spencer's raising his voice now. I can tell he's getting frustrated.

"You really think I haven't noticed you change? You're my whole world Y/n and you think I wouldn't know when you're hurting? And even if you weren't my world I'm a profiler, and a genius. I know."

"No Spencer you don't."

After I say that I walk away not letting him get another word in.

Later on

We have been working on this case for four hours. 

"I just don't understand this" Emily says

"What?" I ask curiously 

"Why did the unsub shoot this man? The other men they shot were criminals. Why him?"

"Maybe the unsubs devolving" Spencer suggests 

"I don't think so" I say, knowing I'm not devolving 

"What makes you say that?"

"Maybe this man is a criminal and just hasn't gotten caught, or maybe they just did something to irritate the unsub"

"Possibly" Hotch says

Once again days pass and we don't find the unsub. Even though I'm right here.

We landed and made our way back to the BAU. Everyone is doing paperwork and I go into Hotch's office.

I know what I need. I need to get away.

Hotch looks up from his paperwork and gives me a small smile. 

"Please sit" Hotch says

"You said you needed to talk to me about something." 

"Yes" I reply

"What's going on?"

I hand him a paper. He looks up at me when he's done reading.

"It's my leave of absence paperwork. I understand if you need me here and can't approve it but it would mean a lot if you considered it."

"Of course I'll approve this Y/n. Does Spencer need time off too?" Aaron asks comforting and understandingly 

"Not that I'm aware of" 

"Okay please let me know if you need anything"

I nod and start to get up but turn around when he speaks again. 

"I mean it Agent Y/l/n anything"

"Thanks Hotch it really means a lot"

1 month later

During my leave of absence I killed 5 more times. Every time the team went on a case I went somewhere else and killed. I think during most of my month off they were trying to find me, except they didn't know it was me. It was starting to become too much. 

I can't do it anymore. 

Hiii readers!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of He's in Love with a Killer. I'm sorry it took so long to get out I've had a lot of schoolwork. I really need ideas for this story so if anyone has any plz lmk! Also don't forget to comment and vote if you liked the chapter

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