Chapter 19: Killer(s)

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Let me tell you what really happened....

"I needed someone else to get their happy ending ripped away from them, just like ours was stolen from us"

"Baby" Spencer takes his pointer finger and his thumb and holds my chin in his hands, making me look at him.

"Spen-" I start but Spencer interupts me

"Princess let me think for a minute"

Mintues pass and Spencer walks back and forth. Clearly fighting himself in his head.

"Spencer what's going on in that big brain of yours"

"Y-Y/n please just I need another minute" He says franticly, still fighting himself


He continues to pace back and forth, fighting a war in his head.

Ten minutes pass before Spencer comes back to me and sits down. He puts one of his hands on my thigh and the other on my arm, rubbing it comfortingly. I keep my gaze on the hand on my thigh as he speaks.

"I want to help you" Spencer says calmly

"W-what" I ask confusion running through my brain

"Let me help you"

"Help me what?" I ask dredding what I know he's about to say

"I want to make others suffer like we did"

"N-no Spencer I will not be responsible for making you a murderer"

"Fine then I'll do it myself"

Spencer grabs his gun off the table and goes to stand up, but I grab his arm.

"No Spencer you will not become a murderer "

"Try and stop me Baby"

"Okay f-fine we can do it together"

"I'm gl-" Spencer starts but I interupt him

"But you will not kill anyone do you hear me"

I stand up and walk over to him.

"We will see" He says, trying to show he can do it.

I grab his tie and pull him close to me.

"Listen here Dr. Reid you will not be killing anyone, not tonight at least"

All he does is hmm in response.

It was already a little late but we went all around the shops and grocery stores near us. While we were heading to our last stop Spencer stops at a red light and turns towards me.

"How did you pick your victims Y/n?" he asks curiously

"The first one I saw at the grocery store, the second was her sister that we interigated, the third we saw at dinner an-"

"What about the men?"

"I just saw them on the street. Some of them tried stuff but-"

"Did anyone hurt you" His eyes fill with rage and worry

"No Baby. I didn't let anyone get the chance."

"That's my girl"

We drove around for 20 more minutes before seeing a family walking around.

"Are they good?" Spencer asks


Spencer starts to pull over.

He's in Love with a Killer (Spencer reid x reader)Where stories live. Discover now