Chapter 10: Gender Reveal

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For the next month you and Spencer spent every second of everyday together. Every night Spencer read a chapter of whatever book he was reading that night. Tomorrow Spencer goes back to work. And I'm all alone.

 Tonight he was rereading to kill a Mocking Bird. He was on chapter three. You both get into your comfy sleep clothes. Spencer pulls you into bed laughing. 

"Are you ready for your nightly reading baby?" he asks rubbing your stomach

"Who are you talking to me or the baby?" you ask laughing

"I guess both, even though you fall asleep every night so you don't know what happens"

"Even if I did you read a new chapter of a new book every night, why do you read to the baby anyways?"

"Science has shown that reading to your baby in the womb promotes brain activity and can promote early literacy skills and language development. Literacy skills continue to develop while reading to your baby after they are born. Even though a baby is not able to talk, they are learning about the world around them."

You listened as he went on and on. You loved listening to him ramble about things like this. It always made you sad when people cut him off.

"I love you genius" you say as you snuggle up against his chest listening to his heartbeat. 

"I love you princess" he says as he wraps his arms around. placing a kiss on your head.

You lay there with your eyes closed listening to his heartbeat. Tears start to fill your eyes. Before you can stop them, they fall. It becomes a waterfall. You aren't even really sure why you're crying. You didn't want Spencer to worry so you try and be quiet but you sniffle, and Spencer picks his head up.

"Baby what's go-" he saw you were crying

"Baby" he said looking and sounding very upset

"What's going on? Why are you crying?" he said cupping you face with his hands so you look at him.

"I-I I don't know Spence I'm sorry"

"Nothing to be sorry for princess" he says as he pulls you into a tight hug.

"It's probably just the hormones" 

"Princess do you wanna talk about it?"

"Talk about what?"

"Princess you really think I didn't notice you watching my every move, texting me every ten minutes when I'm out, and listening to my heartbeat like its gonna stop at any second."

"I'm sorry Spence I just-" Spencer interrupted you

"Baby I wasn't saying that it's a bad thing, I just wanna make sure you're okay."

"I'm trying to be Spence but you were shot in front of me, I thought I lost you. Listening to your heartbeat helps me calm down and remind myself you're okay"

"I understand Y/n if there's anything I can do please tell me."

He then reads to the baby and you fall asleep in his arms.

Three months later....

Today was the day. You were going to find out the gender of your baby. Spencer couldn't contain his excitement, but neither could you. Last week you had your appointment so Emily could start planning the gender reveal. You and Spencer had already started decorating the nursery. Only putting gender neutral colors so far. Spencer and you both were hoping for a baby girl. 

You were all ready in under 3o minutes. It was time to leave.

"We're gonna find out who this is today princess, Maeve or Gideon" he puts his hands on your waist pulling you in as he speaks

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