Chapter 13: Killer

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It has been three weeks since Spencer and I lost our baby. We're both back at work now. The whole team is on the way to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania investigating the murder of a family and a 20 year old man all presumably by the same unsub. 

2 weeks earlier

It's been hard. Everyday since Spencer knocked down the door we spend the whole day in each other arms. We have been holding each other in our arms and crying. The team has tried to talk to us but I don't want to talk to anyone besides Spencer right now. I haven't gone out since I was in the hospital and I thought why not. We needed to go to the grocery store anyways.

When I got there it seemed like everyone was so happy. Why were they so happy? Don't they know what just happened. I couldn't stop thinking, or being angry. I became livid when I saw a woman who it looks like just gave birth to a baby girl, standing in line with her what looks like boyfriend. I heard them say their name so that the cashier could get them their rewards points. 

My anger was too much I couldn't control it anymore.

Before I knew what hit me I had driven to where they lived, which was five hours away. I knocked on their door and shot all of them in the head. I knew that sooner or later my team would get called out on this case and I couldn't have them thinking that it was someone who just lost a baby. Then I decided it would be best to shot another person. I didn't know who they were or anything about them really. I just knew I needed to confuse my team so they didn't know it was me.

current time 

Since I lost my baby I've had been cold towards everyone, until I started killing. Knowing that someone else doesn't get to have their happy ending makes me feel a little better about mine being ripped away from me. Sure I can always get pregnant again and have a baby but they won't be Luna. No one will ever be Luna Marie Reid.



I felt someone shaking my shoulder and I look to the right of me and everyones looking at me.

"What were you looking at you seem pretty deep into your thoughts" Emily asked


"Hotch was gonna say where were all going" Derek tells me


Spencer grabs my hand and squeezes it, to let me know it's okay.

"Morgan and JJ go to the Morgue, Prentiss, Reid, and Y/l/n go to the crime scene, Rossi you're with me at the station." 

The plane landed and we got in our cars to go to the crime scene. When we pulled up to the house the memories starting flowing back.

I walked up to their door and knocked. The mother answered the door, I showed my badge making her think I needed to ask her and her husband questions. Lucky for me when the husband came down he was holding the baby. 

"So what is this about agent?" the man asked me.

"I just need to ask you some questions"

"Okay ask away" the woman said, it was clear she wanted me to leave. You don't need to be a profiler to see how much she hated having me there.

"First can I hold your baby?"

"Um I'd rather you no-" the woman starts

"Sure" the man cut her off probably thinking I would leave sooner

He hands me the baby. That was the most stupid thing he could've done.

"Do you love your baby?"

I said while keeping my eyes on the baby, rubbing her head comfortingly. 

"Of course we do u-"

"Do you think you deserve to have a baby?"

"Um what" the woman was confused

"Do you think you deserve to have a baby" I asked again, this time looking at her in the eyes

"I don't know I guess"

"More than other people?"

The woman didn't know what to say so she stayed quiet

"Do you think you're a better mother than I would've been"

"I'm sorry what's going on" the man asks

"I lost my baby, and I don't think you deserve to have one"

"Please what do you what"

"I want to watch both of you crumble as you lose your child"

"No please" her eyes widen as I pull out my gun


They both screamed as I shot her. I then shot both of them.

I wasn't stupid I wore gloves and didn't leave any trace of me in the state. When I was still in Quantico I got a thousand dollars from an ATM so I couldn't be traced

I knew killing them could possibly lead back to it being a woman who lost her child and was angry seeing them, so I decided to shot a random man. They'll know it was the same gun and around the same time. I know they'll put two and two together and find out it's the same killer.

I didn't want to kill an innocent person. I walked around the town all night trying to find some person who wasn't good. Just as I was about to give up I saw a young man steal a woman purse and run with it. I followed him and eventually he stopped running when he saw me. 

"What's a pretty lady like you wondering the streets all alone at night" he asked while walking towards me

"I was looking for my next victim"

"Victim of what?" he laughs

"What are you gonna do to me kill me with your hands, no offense but you don't look very strong"

"I'm actually quite strong but no. Honestly if you would've not stolen that women purse you would've gone home tonight"

He started walking towards me. I pulled out my gun and shot him. 

I was gone for a total of two days 

His my amazing readers I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I wanted to get something out. Also I know this was kinda dark so I'm sorry about that lol. I'm kinda dealing with some writers block rn so please give me any ideas you have for this story.

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