Chapter 18: Is that really what happened?

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I wake up. 

I'm in a hospital? I think. What the hell happened. Wait.

I remember the previous moments

I shot myself.

Then how the hell am I alive?

"Y/n?" I hear a voice say

"Sp-" I start to speak but my body is in tons of pain

"Y/N!" Spencer yells



You felt a sharp pain in my side

"Ah it hurts"

"What's wrong Baby?"

"My side hurts. Why does my side hurt Spence? I shot myself in the head why does my side hurt?" I ask

"Wh-what are you talking about Baby?" Spencer asks, confused

"After I told you about the people I killed-"

"The people you- what Princess I'm so confused talk to me"

I look down.

"Oh my god" I say shocked

"What what's going on?" a flash of concern comes across his face

"I- oh my god"

Tears start to fill my eyes. When I looked down I didn't see my small petite body I was expecting. I saw a bump, a baby bump.

"I'm pregnant?" the tears start to fall

"Princess you've been pregnant for six months"

"Wait Spence this doesn't make any sense two minutes ago I was in your apartment and I had just-"

"No Baby two minutes ago you were here. The same place you've been for a month."

"No you're lying Spence for the past month I've been killing people"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Baby I'm just glad you're awake"

"Spencer I'm so confused"

"Why don't you tell me what happened"

"Well I guess it all started in this room. I was kidnapped right? That still happened?"

"Yes Love about a month ago you were kidnapped"

"Ugh" I put my hand on my head- remembering what happened to me when I was kidnapped.

"You're okay Baby" Spencer says grabbing my hand

"I know, I know. Anyway the doctor told us that we lost the baby" I start to tear up 

"That we lost L-luna"

Spencer squeezes my hand "Baby we didn't lose her she's right here"

He takes his other hand and puts it on my stomach.

"Spencer please let me finish before I get too confused"

"Okay sorry Princess continue"

"Anyways long story short when we lost Luna the pain was too much and everytime a saw a family that looks like they we would've I got so angry. I killed 6 families Spencer, and to try and cover it up so the team wouldn't figure it out I killed six men. I don't really know if they were innocent or guilty, good or bad. I didn't talk to them much before I killed them."

"Oh my god Princess I'm so sorry" Spencer says

"Do you want to know what really happened?" 

"Yes please I'm so confused"

"We found you a month ago. The unsub who kidnapped you shot you in the side and I shot them in the head."

"Then you went into the ambulance and got to the hospital. They took you into surgrey immediatly and it was touch and go for a while but you made it obviously" Spencer says as he laughs nervously

"But?" I ask

"But they didn't think your body would be strong enough to heal you and little Luna. So they put you into a coma and they decided you were able to wake up last week. And now you're awake"

Tears fill my eyes as the realiztion hits me.

"This is" I gasp while pointing to my bump

"This is Luna?"

"Yes it is"

"You have no idea how bad it hurt when I lost her. It was terrible. I can't believe she's alive. I grieved her for the last five months. I killed 24 people for her. Spencer it felt so real and I remember everything so vividly."

"I know Baby but it's okay it wasn't real and we're okay"

1 and 3 months later

"Happy birthday Babygirl. I love you" Spencer says

"I love you too Daddy" a little girl says

"Hey what about me?" I ask playfully

"I love you too Mommy"

"Blow out your Candles Lu"

She blows out her candles

"I can't believe our baby is two"

"Neither can I"

"We created her" I say tearfully

"I can't believe we made something so perfect" Spencer says pulling me into a side hug

"What did you wish for Luna"

"If I tell you it won't come true Mom"

"Actually studies sho-" 

"Mommy Daddy's rambling about random facts again"

We all laugh

My life is perfect, it's everything I ever wanted. I have the love of my life and my precious daughter. What more could I want? 

But is that what really happened?

Let me give you a hint. It isn't

Hi Readers!! I'm sorry this is so short I just needed a chapter that sets up the next chapters. Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this chapter or have any ideas for the story. 


THANK YOU FOR 1K READS!!!! When I first started this story I never thought it would get more than ten reads. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for supporting my book :) 

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