Chapter 21 One last kiss

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2 weeks later

   I'm staring down at my counter looking at the postive pregnacy test. Oh my god I'm pregnant again. I think. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. I need to tell Spencer.

i decide to text Spencer to come home.

y/n: Hey Bubs I need to talk to you it's important

s: Is everything alright Pretty Girl?

y/n: I'm not really sure 

s: Are you okay?

y/n: I think

s: Okay I'll be home in thirty. I love you Baby

y/n: I love you too Bubs

I decide to go to out to the store 5 minutes away from Spencer and I's house. While walking through the baby isile I found the perfect way to tell him. A little  black and white onesie that says I'm a baby genius with glasses on it. I grab the onesie, a baby toy and a little gift bag. Then I make my way home. 

The door starts to turn as sit on the couch rehearsing what I'm going to say. Before I can decide exactly what I want to say the door opens, and my beautiful boyfriend walks in. 

"Hey Pretty Baby"

"Spencie" I say smiling opening my arms out for a hug

He pulls me into his arms.

"Is everything alright"

Spencer pulls away from me but doesn't let go.

"Yeah I" I take a deep breath before speaking again. "Actually I'm not sure"

"Talk to me love"

I walk away and grab the bag holding the baby onesie and toy. 

"Open" I say holding out my arms

Spencer takes the bag from me and smiles.

"Whats this for?"

"Just open it"

Spencer opens it and pulls out the tissue paper I put in. His eyes widen when he pulls out the onesie and reads it.

"Ar-are you?" tears start to form in his eyes

"We're pregnant Spence" I say as tears start to form in my eyes too

"I know that it hasn't been that long since we lost Luna and I don't really know how to feel about this"

"I-I'm sorry if this isn't how you feel but I'm really happy Y/n"

"I'm happy too" I laugh

Spencer brings me into a huge bear hug and squeezes me. 

"I love you Spencie"

"I love you so much Pretty Baby" Spencer says as he pulls away from me

"And you" he says placing his hands on my sides then bending down and kisses my stomach.

4 years later.                                                                

Spencer and I walk into the BAU after a long morning of calming our almost four year old son, Elijah Gray Reid. We see Emily, and Derek standing at the coffee maker.

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