Chapter 20: Princess

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The next morning...

Spencer and I walk into the BAU, we are an hour late. Everyone is standing around clearly confused as to why we're late. 

"Sorry we forgot to set our alarm" I explain

"Okay we have a case" Hotch says

I'm confused as to way he isn't angry like he would be if it was anyone else. But then I remember what we've been through. He probably thinks we were just having a hard night with Luna. 

"Wheels up?" Spencer questions

"No this is a local case"

"What happened?"

"The Newborn killer struck again"

"Newborn killer?" I ask, not having heard of them before

"Oh sorry the media just named him. It's the killer we've been chasing for the past five months"

Spencer walks away to go get coffee

I accidently gasp

"Something wrong?" Hotch asks


"You know you can talk to me right Y/n? I may be your boss but I'm also your friend"

"I um I know Hotch. I just this case brings up bad memoories for me"

"Why were you and Spencer really late?"

"I told you we forgot to set our alarm"

Hotch just says okay and doesn't push it any further. I'm so tired of keeping this secret, but I know if I tell someone me and Spence will go to jail. 

We spent the day investigating the murder that ne and Spencer had just committed. Spencer and I were about to leave but Rossi spoke. 

"Dinner and drinks at my house be there at 7. This is not optional."

"I would love to Rossi but I re-" I start to speak but he interupts me

"nu uh you aren't getting out of this Y/n"

20 minutes later..

"Y/n you know we don't have to go if you really don't want to" Spencer says as we walk into our house.

I don't respond, I just go and sit on the couch. 

"Y/n?" Spencer speaks again

I just stare off into space. Getting lost in my own thoughts.

"Y/n!" He says a little louder. 


He starts shaking my shoulder. I can feel him shaking me and I know what's happening but I just can't draw myself out of my thoughts. Two minutes pass before I come back to reality.

Spencer sits next to me and speaks "Where did you go just then Baby?"

"Um what" I say confused, still collecting me thoughts

"Where did you go? You zoned out for two minutes."

"I- Spence"

"You know zoning out can be a symptom of anxiety. People with high levels of anxiety sometimes have the experience of zoning out. The technical term is actually called dissociation."

I smile. Spencer knows his rambling about random facts calms me.

"I love your facts Spencer"

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