Chapter 6: I have a bad feeling

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"Please you don't wanna do this" I say, tears start to form in my eyes as the gun is being pressed into my head

10 hours earlier

When I walked into work this morning I thought we would be doing paperwork all day, seeing we just got back from a case. I was sadly mistaken when Hotch came into the bullpen.

"We've got a bad case wheels up in 10, you'll be briefed on the plane"

Oh god how bad could a case be that we don't even have time to get briefed at the roundtable

Spencer came up to me and asked if I was ready to go. I told him I was and we walked to the car. It was silent.

"Are you okay princess?" he asked looking over at me for a second then looked back at the road

"Yea, I just have a bad feeling about this case"

"I'll be okay Y/n it always is" he said as he rested his hand on my thigh, trying to comfort me

I was trying so hard not to cry. Being pregnant has made me cry every time someone says or does something nice for me.

"Y/n what's wrong" he must've noticed my eyes becoming glassy

"Nothing I'm just tired" I said trying to sound convincing

I was planning on telling Spencer I was pregnant today but then this case came up. I know there will always be another case but I wanted to tell him at home. I thought about it again and I guessed now was as good a time as any.

"Spence" I say letting out a sign

"Yea princess"

I smile at his words

"Spencer I-" just as you were about to tell him your phone rang

It was Rossi.

"I know Hotch already said but this is a really bad case, I haven't seen anything this bad in a while"


"I just wanted to warn you"

"Thanks Rossi" you hung up

"What's going on" Spencer asked

"Nothing he just wanted to tell me this is gonna be a really bad case"

When we walked onto the plane I started to feel lightheaded and sick. I knew I was gonna have to throw up. Right after we took off and were at a safe distance to get up I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up everything I had eaten. Morning sickness has hit me like a bus. After ten minutes Emily knocked on the door.

"You okay?" she asked with concern filled in her voice

"Not really" I said as I unlocked the door so she could come in

She closed the door and locked it behind her.

"It's okay no one noticed"

I smiled as I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Emily held my hair back as I threw up a few more times, then I flushed the toilet, washed my hands, and wiped my face off. I grabbed a water bottle on the way back.

"Is everyone awake? We're going to brief you all on the case now"

"40 families all with newborn babies, have been murdered" Penelope said

"40!? Why are we just getting called on this now?" I said slightly angry

"They were spread across 7 states"

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