Chapter 9: I love you Spencer

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He shoots Spencer in the stomach.

He falls back immediately. I manage to get out of the unsubscribe grip to run over to Spencer.

"Spencer baby please stay with me" I say while still sobbing

"Y/n I-I love you s-" he starts coughing

"I know Spencer don't talk just please stay with me"

"No you need to hear this in case -I" he coughs again, but this time its blood

"I love you more than you could ever know." he grabs my hand weakly.

"If you decide you want the baby please tell them about me" his voice is strained and tired.

"Of course Spence"

"Can you kiss me one last time" he says, starting to get sleepy.

"Yes, but this won't be the last time Spence I can't live without you"

"If I die you're going to have to" he says as tears form in his eyes.

I give him a soft kiss before he starts to speak again.

"Y/n please if I die don't stop your life. I want you to be happy. I want our baby to be happy if that's what you decide. I hope that you meet someone new one day. When you do don't be afraid to love them. I am not going to be mad at you. Always remember how much I love you, because I love you more than life itself."

"Spencer you're not going to die" the unsub started walking towards me but I didn't notice because I'm so focused on Spencer.

"I love yo-"

"Y/N LOOK OUT" Spencer screams

The unsub hits me on the head with his gun. Hard. Causing me to pass out.

Spencer eyes go wide as he cries.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH-" he stopped screaming as he lost consciousness.

The team arrives not even a minute later.

Emilys Pov

Spencer had told us about the paper. Hotch had told them to wait, but they knew he would just kill again until they went over to him. We walk in to the abandon house and we don't hear anything. Until the unsub walks right in front of us.

"You're a little too late" he says with a disgusting smirk on his face

"What do you mean" I ask

"The lovers are gone."

My eyes widen as I realize what he's saying

"Where are they?!" Derek asks

"Just over in the kitchen"

The unsub didn't have his gun anymore so Derek took the chance to arrest him. He didn't fight back at all. Seemingly at peace with himself.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my best friend and my coworker on the ground unconscious. Spencer was bleeding, he had been shot.

"I NEED A MEDIC!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The Ohio PD came for the unsub.

The rest of the team came in after I screamed. They all immediately dropped to the floor to try and stop Spencers bleeding. Y/n from the looks of it was hit in the head with a gun hard. She'll make it but she'll probably have a concussion. But she was bleeding more than usual from the wound on her head. We try to wake them up, but nothing happened. Two ambulances arrive within 5 minutes. I go with Y/n in hers and Derek goes with Spencer.

He's in Love with a Killer (Spencer reid x reader)Where stories live. Discover now